Prologue - News Report

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Books in the Folician Chronicles series

Dog Got Your Tongue – Folician Chronicles 1

Homecoming – Folician Chronicles 2

The Temple – Folician Chronicles 3

We have to keep moving forward – Folician Chronicles 4

The Goddess and the Pack Lord – Folician Chronicles 5

The Past is the Future – Folician Chronicles 6

Dawn of Hope – Folician Chronicles 7

A Folician Christmas

We come in Peace - Folician Chronicles 8

We're Back - Folician Chronicles 9

The Terran Enclave – Klithian Chronicles 1

A New Balance – Life and Death – Klithian Chronicles 2

~~~ News Report

"Good afternoon everyone, as you know I'm Wind River. The new Pack Father landed today and it was a very touching ceremony. I have to say that when the door to the transport opened he looked rather shocked. I can't help but wonder if it was due to the greeting or something else. I do have to say that he recovered very well." On the screen behind her were images of the welcoming ceremony. It did look like his ears had been pinned back by the greeting of the crowd. He might be human but certain tells showed how shocked he had been.

She glanced at the screen and then back at the camera, "I have to admit he is a very attractive male and I have a feeling many of the females at the ceremony felt the same." She glanced down at the tablet she was holding, "One item of interest which has been released about the new pack father is he had a major heart condition which has been resolved. It was such that he simply might not have woken one day. It was that serious for the Pack Father. Human's didn't have the tech to fix the issue. Dr. Spike fixed the issue when he was brought aboard the Tail Chaser. She used a nanite treatment to resolve the issue. The government and military had been holding off on the information until they knew he had been completely healed." For a brief moment she lifted her head and crooned lightly since she couldn't imagine having a fatal defect like that. It was something Folician's normally dealt with. It also wasn't the same as looking at the end of their race.

"Now he has been healed and is doing quite well they decided to release the information. As you saw, so far three pups have been delivered and all three are lovely. I have to admit I wish any pups I have will be as attractive as those three. Their names are Juanita, who is named after Pack Father Johnson's mother, Winds of Morning, in hopes that he will bring a blessing to our world, and Morning's Dawn. The names show how they feel about the pups and how they might impact on our world. I do love the names and again they are such lovely pups."

Wind River had a pleased smile on her face, "I have to also say it was such a surprise to see Pack Father Johnson had his brother and sister with him. Mist on the Water is what we would call sixteen turns and is also a Liraque though she is a trainee. Pack Father Johnson's younger brother is a Pack Father as well, or will be when he is of age. Young Pack Father Xavier Johnson is an attractive boy pup and I have a feeling many of the girls will be appreciating him."

Wind gave the camera a sad smile, "One thing which has been requested by both the World Mother and City Mother is that we give them some room. I know the urge is to go and say hello, but please resist. Pack Father Johnson and his siblings need some room." After one last glance at her notes she lowered her ears, "As you know the three of them lost their parents not to long ago and that is one of the reasons requested for giving them some room. As the City Mother requested send any correspondences to the city and they will be delivered."

She kept her ears lowered, "Knowing how hard it can to be to lose a family member: I have to agree. Give them some room to learn about our culture and deal with their grief." She was forced to raise her head again with a slightly sad howl since she had lost a family member not too long ago, "Thank you for listening and I have attached some images and video for everyone to view. This is Wind River signing off."

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