Chapter 4 - Ray comes home

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Authors Note:  I am adding this since on a different sight I had someone make some very nasty comments on the inclusion of 'child nudity'.  When it is included it is in no way for any other purpose than to describe part of a culture.  There is no actual descriptions of the kids and it is almost always 'they stripped and climbed in the shower'.  Please keep this in mind as you read this story.

~~~ Hands invites several girls home

By the time Hands and the girls in the section were mostly done eating, Flitter was there, "Your brother is awake though he has a massive headache. If you want, we can go and say a quick hello which would be fine and then Gentle will take both of you home. Misty has decided to stay for the time being."

Strong Hands contemplated it and then shook his head, "I think I'll just let him recover. I'm feeling a titch grumpy with him and he doesn't need to feel it right now." He glanced at Nuzzle without thinking and sighed, "Try not to make too much of a mess kiddo."

Gentle and Flitter traded an amused look while he was talking to the girl, "I'll take them past Nuzzle's section and collect some of her things." Gentle had a feeling Nuzzle's time was going to be split between the pack property and the temple; time would tell though.

Strong Hands looked up at Flitter, *Do you think it would be okay to invite maybe Salty and Spicy over? I'm sure as much as Nuzzle has adopted me, she will be more comfortable if there are some girls she knows there.*

Flitter smiled, *It would be fine, though I'll warn you by inviting the two over, there is going to be an expectation of your inviting the other girls you are getting to know over. Part of it's because you are a boy and will actually talk to them. Part of it is they are responding to your potential as a pack father.*

Strong Hands shrugged, *I had pretty much figured it. I'm going to talk to Misty to see if I can borrow her room for the girls coming over today.* He figured she wouldn't mind as long as she wasn't home. Other weekends he wasn't sure what they would do. Other than Nuzzle he wouldn't be comfortable having them sleep in his bed. Maybe he could let them have the bed and he could use a couch.

Flitter gave him a nod before standing up, "I'm going to see my mate and I'll let him know you asked how he was doing." She gave Hands a hug before heading back to medical. Flitter didn't bother mentioning the girls would probably prefer to be close to him; some things he had to learn on his own.

*Misty I have a huge favor to ask. Flitter told me you are going to be staying here for a few days. Nuzzle is going to be coming home with me and I'm going to invite two of the girls she knows over. Do you mind if they use your bed for the night?* Strong Hands really hoped she wouldn't have a problem with his asking. If she did Hands wasn't sure what he was going to do.

Misty had to snicker at the patient yet put upon tone when he contacted her, *It would be fine, just tell them not to touch my stuff. Congratulations on the name change as well. It does fit you and Nuzzle is a darling little girl.*

He had to roll his eyes but didn't say anything, "Well Gentle, let's go and get some of Nuzzle's things and see if Salty and Spicy would like to come with." He stroked Nuzzle's ears, "I figure you might like to have one or two girls come with who you know."

Her eyes got big and gave him a huge nod, "Thanks you for letting me comes home with you. I woulds been lonely without my Strong Hands." She leaned against him and gave him a big hug.

They finished eating and headed towards the girl's rooms. When he walked in the other girls were back from breakfast, "Salty could you do me a favor and help Nuzzle pack a bag? Since she seems to have adopted me she is going to be coming home with me." He could feel Nuzzle's happiness with him.

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