Chapter 12 - Flitter goes into labor

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~~~ Kidnapped for cuddles again

The following evening Hands had finished his homework and was contemplating what he wanted to do. As he was thinking Nuzzle crawled up on his lap with her knees on his thighs and wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a good hug and nuzzle. She wasn't trying to tickle him so she settled for a simple nuzzle and leaned against him, "I's want to go outside for a few. I want's to see the sun set."

Hands helped her up onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her and returned the hug. Just for good measure, when she leaned back to speak he rubbed her muzzle with his nose, "Is that so? Fresh air and all healthy fresh air stuff? I suppose we can go out for a few. I have to admit I'm feeling a bit cooped up myself." He tucked an arm under her bottom and stood up.

"Ooph, I think someone has gained a few pounds. Are you growing again?" Once he was standing he put her down and offered her his hand and started out of the room, "Back soon everyone. I might even be amenable to a bit of cuddling as well." As soon as he said it he scooted out the door.

Several of the girls had started to lunge at him when he said it which was why he scooted, "To slow you silly girls, I might make you find and catch me first." Hands grinned down at Nuzzle and she was giggling at him.

She set off down the hall happily skipping along next to him. Nuzzle was pleased with Misty for inviting them over. When Misty told her not to tell Hands, she had giggled and nodded. She knew Misty was keeping a close eye on her Strong Hands and it meant a great deal to Nuzzle.

As they were heading towards the entrance Misty came out of a small area where you could get some healthy snacks, "Hey bro, where you going? We are going to have some munchies and tea if you would like some. I even manage to sneak some cookies past the priestess who is in charge of us."

Hands gave Misty a suspicious look and then looked down at Nuzzle, "Okay stinker, did you set me up again? Did Misty put you up to this? If so I might have to tickle a sister." He didn't specify which one, just because.

Nuzzle gave him a shy smile, "I's not set you up. Misty want's check on you. Since she is bigger than us she knows more." She leaned against his leg, "We's all worry about you occasionally. Don't like you's crying and being upset." She had been so very upset the morning when he had fallen apart. Nuzzle didn't want to feel it again. Since then there had been a few times he had been really sad about losing his parents.

Hands squatted down and gently lifted Nuzzles chin so she was looking at him, "Thank you sweetheart for doing this, it means a great deal to me. It's one of the many reasons I love my little sis. You are such a sweetie and care so much. Now I do believe she mentioned cookies so what do you think?"

Nuzzle looked at him and his eyes were very gentle and warm. She could feel he meant what he was saying. She wrapped her arms around him and sniffled a few times, "I loves you to. I loves all my family."

Hands picked her up and held her close. He couldn't help but let a tear or two slip out, "I love our family as well. Both the Pack family and all the girls in our section. All of you are special wonderful people." He turned and wrapped an arm around Misty and leaned against her.

She wrapped an arm around him as well and walked towards her section and in to the lounge, "Look who I found in the hallway? I wonder how it happened." She even managed to say it with a straight face.

Skye and Shadow came over. Shadow grinned at Nuzzle, "I'm going to steal a little girl for a good nuzzle. I even have a cookie or two for you." She took her from Hands arms and settled her on a hip before walking over to the table so Nuzzle could pick a cookie or two.

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