Chapter 9 - Hands is Homesick

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~~~ Strong Hands cries

Early the next morning when Strong Hands woke, he had company as he had expected. It took him a few minutes to realize it wasn't one of the girls from their section. Whoever it was, was taller and had padding the others didn't. He groaned a bit before turning his head and found it was Night Skye.

Night Skye had felt him wake up and was sampling his emotions as he woke and realized who it was. She could tell Strong Hands definitely felt embarrassment, confusion, a bit tired since it was early, and a hint of sadness. Night Skye smiled at him though she didn't try to hug him. Her arm was resting on his side which was enough, *Morning Strong Hands. What you did for Nuzzle was a wonderful thing. Misty and I helped both of you to fall asleep and then brought you into the sleeping room.*

Now Night Skye leaned forward and gently nuzzled Strong Hand's neck for a moment, *I have been feeling a number of conflicting emotions from you, which is one of the reasons I'm here. With Nuzzle so young and so much for her to learn there is going to be a great deal she can't help you with. Much of it is going to be related to our culture and how and why we do things. She also can't really help you with relationship advice and questions related to them. The same goes for the older girls, they are simply to young. I wanted to talk to you and see if I could help, would you like to talk?*

Strong Hands did feel pleased with his actions and definitely got a warm fuzzy when Night Skye complimented him. When she nuzzled his neck he actually tilted his head some and relaxed into it. He was definitely getting to appreciate a certain amount of the physical attention. After listening to what she had to say he tried to really think about it but she was right, he was confused and needed someone older to talk to. The girls in the room were his age and younger so many of their comments wouldn't be very helpful, *I think I would like it if you don't mind. I do have questions I can't ask them or don't want to ask them. I'm starting to get comfortable with them. I don't want to ask anything which might cause problems or make them feel uncomfortable around me.*

He sat up and yawned a bit, *Back in a minute.* Strong Hands slipped out of the end of the bed and padded over to the bathroom. Once he had finished when he came out he found Night Skye was sitting up against the headboard. There was plenty of room for Strong Hands to sit next to her if he wanted. Once he crawled in he did settle down next to her and rested his head on her shoulder for a moment. Nuzzle started twitching a bit so he sat up, leaned over, and moved her so she was resting against his leg.

After leaning back again he sighed and closed his eyes. Skye wrapped her arm around his shoulders and held him for a few, *So what questions do you have? Please ask anything and I'll do my best to answer.*

Strong Hands moved a bit closer to her and it felt good. For some reason he was suddenly feeling almost lost and didn't know what to do, *Can we just talk? I don't even know where to start with the questions.* Since she was warm and giving him some comfort he rolled more towards her and wrapped his arms around her and held on, *I feel so misplaced for some reason. The last few months have been such a roller coaster of emotions and stuff I almost feel like I don't know who I am anymore.*

It wasn't just the loss of his parents he was dealing with. It was a start but then discovering aliens really did exist and especially their Pack Mother. Then there was this almost all female world of theirs. It was causing almost as much trouble as anything. He simply wasn't used to girls being everywhere. Strong Hands had to admit most boys would have thought the idea of having lots of girls around was nice but... He was learning different. It wasn't they weren't cute or were annoying but they all wanted to cuddle him. It was a case of almost too much of a good thing.

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