bright beginnings

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You were fresh out of medschool and new to your residency at the hospital. You had always dreamed of being a surgeon and now you were Finaly here! The staff seemed to have high hopes for you, you didn't graduate on top but for some reason people seemed to think you were really smart. Some reason you still don't know why. You found your way to the on-call room where you would be living, in a messy fashion you droped all your stuff down on the bed and took out your phone to check the time.

Your eyes widened you realized you were going to be late for your meeting. You zipped off to your meeting in a frantic manner leaving your stuff all over the on-call room.
The meeting went well and you would have some time before you had to do rounds.

But you didnt have anything to do. This was not something you should get used too. You took out your phone and pretened to be busy on it while some nurses talked about, boys and relationships behind the desk.

It got you thinking... you were rather attractive though you failed to see it. You had alot of boys after you and youve been with a few. So gentle kind and respectful you never felt a true connection with either one... you wished for someone fun, spontaneous, out of the ordinary and a bit crazy... but where would you find that, certainly not here.

After rounds you headed back to the on-call room to clean up your mess. As you were cleaning you ntoiced your lipstick was gone. You looked for it but couldn't find it. You ran out of time to look for it and had to go in for a briefing. You noticed on of the members of the surgical team had something familar in a scrub pocket... you took a closer look... your lipstick! He had taken it.

The surgeon had torn the sleeves off their scrubs and wore a surgical cap with flames on it. What an idiot a rude one too.

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