Chapter eleven: Ren

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"Dont watch this time", Feitan instructed firmly, as the two boys trudged with heavy feet towards the younger's next training session.

"Why not?" Phinks asked, with a tone hidden deep in his voice that suggested the demand was a little bit offensive. "You're not the boss of me. That old geezer is crazy. I need to make sure he doesnt go too far."

"What you gonna' do?" the keen eyed, dark haired boy replied, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips. There was something almost fun about getting a rise from his counterpart. Sometimes it was just too easy. "Old and crazy. Not matter. He take you out with his eyes closed and one hand behind back".

Phinks responded with a hard shove, forceful enough to have knocked Feitan off his feet, if he hadnt been expecting it. "What do you know? If it really came down to it, I would murder that old cannibal. I'm faster and younger. He wouldnt even know what hit him. You know... until it did".

The small smile remained on Feitan's face as they boys continued on in silence, dust clouding around their feet with each step. It hadnt rained in weeks. "Its annoying", he finally responded, reverting back to the original topic of conversation. "Make it hard to concentrate."

He purposely left out the part about how the old Master taunted him about his friend's constant presence. How he would threaten and insult him, trying desperately to pull an emotional response from his painfully placid pupil. Feitan would never grant him one. Being alone had never bothered him. But that was before he knew what it was like to have a partner. A friend. He wasnt able to recognize the worry. Mostly because he had never worried about anything or anyone before. But he knew if the old Master ever made good on any of his threats, he would miss the big, blonde, idiot, who had taken to following him around everywhere, for very much the same reason.

"What else am I supposed to do? I like watching you get your ass kicked", Phinks lied, smiling so wide and fake anyone would be able to see right through it.

"Practice Zetsu", Feitan replied, both as a jab and a piece of advice. The old Master always had plenty to say about his comrade, but he was definitely right about one thing. Phinks was terrible at hiding his presence.

Both boys stopped in their tracks as the old Master's shack appeared in the distance, hazy and obscured by the intense heat of the Meteor City summer. Feitan offered the other a casual, wordless wave before trotting ahead, the sound of Phinks' voice following as he went to attend his next lesson.

"There is nothing wrong with my Zetsu! Waste of time and energy! Wait until you learn Hatsu! Then we will see who is better!"...

As usual the old Master was waiting for him, puffing a cigarette and clutching the stick Feitan had grown very familiar with. His teacher favoured it so much, he had taken the time to sand down the sides and wrap white fabric tape around what was now the handle of the beating device, so it didnt slip in his grip.

"You've been practicing, boy?" he asked in a cloud of smoke, his eyes surveying the youth up and down as though his mere appearance would be able to answer the question before he did.

"As much as needed", Feitan replied, simply and truthfully, as he always did.

"We will see about that", the elder replied, flicking away his cigarette and rising to his feet. Feitan kept his eyes on the makeshift weapon the entire time. The old bastard was unpredictable. It wouldnt surprise him if the next lesson started with a beating.

"One more thing you need to learn before we can get to the good stuff", the old Master explained, revealing a mouth full of stained, decaying teeth as he smiled. "In order to use all that energy for any kind of offensive strategy, you must learn how to muster enough in order to do so."

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