☆ The First Week Without Him ☆

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NOTE: Yes, this may not be an "imagine", but I'm pretty sure it's what we all, as girls, (or guys, if you change the pronouns), can relate to. We all relate to this on some shape, level, or form.


My best friend Evee came down to visit since I got all depressed since he left to visit his family in Chicago.

I was currently drunk as a skunk on the couch, weeping and wailing as Evee tried to calm me down. [I'm dramatic, don't judge me].

"He left me all alone!" I waved my glass of red wine around frantically as tears and more tears slipped down my ripe tomato face. "With nothing, no one..."

"Shh, honey, you have me," Evee said gently, rubbing circles on my back.

I wailed. "But I don't want youhohou!"  I snorted in between snobs.

Evee threw back her head and laughed. "You're drunk, honey. I'm sure you do want me. Hell, even now I think I deserve a glass of wine, dealing with y- I mean, my lovely, amazing best friend." She covered, patting me on the back.

I giggled drunkenly, slamming my glass down on the table, causing it to spill everywhere. "Cheers to that..."

"Shit, girl! You spilled it everywhere!"

"...That's why I have you, right?"

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