◇ Tickle Fights and Cuddles ◇

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"Move over!" I whined, nudging him with my elbow. "Your big butt is is the way!"

"Oh, what a tragedy," He rolled his eyes, rolling over to face me, wrapping his arms around me like he was spooning me. "At least I have a butt. This baby's firm as a-"

I clamped my hand over his mouth. "Okay, that's enough! And excuse you! I have an ass."

"Okay, fine. But I mean- ah!"

He yelped when I flicked his nose, glaring at me. "That's how you wanna play, huh?" An evil glint shone in his eye, as he delicately angled his fingers on my stomach.

I gulped. "No no no, I'm sorry, okay? Here, flick me back." I brought his hand up to my nose.

"Nah. No fun in that." Before I know it, his fingers are dancing along my waist and exposed tummy due to my crop top.

"Nahahaha! Babe, stop! That tihihi-tihhi-CKLES!" I squealed when he kissed my neck, adding to my ticklish agony.

"Duh!" He got up and sat on top of my legs.

I sat up as well. Before he could access my feet, I started squeezing his sides rapidly.

"Hahahaha! Oh, you've done it now!" He smiled at me evilly, causing me to smile and crawl back.

He formed his fingers into claws and started coming toward me.

Soon enough, I tried to get up, but he sat me back down and started raspberrying my tummy and tickling my armpits.

I had a feeling tonight was going to be full of ticklish torture as I was plunged into hysterics once more.

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