◇ Sick ◇

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I was sick.

The most sick I'd been in a while.

Hacking, wheezing, no voice, migraine...

I might as well die.

"Hey, guy up there, I'm ready." I mumbled, sniffling.

"Ready for the next chapter?" He entered the room and waggled his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes and blew my nose. "Funny."

"I know, I have such a vivid sense of-"



"I speak nothing other than the truth."

"You're lucky you're sick."

"Am I? Am I really? Because that's rich, coming from someone who can't even throw a football."

"Like I said. You're reallllllly lucky that you're sick."

He came over and kissed me on the forehead, whispering, "Or maybe I'm the lucky one."

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