Part 7

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If only I had that same support I once had from that one special friend. They were always there for me, understood me, and had my back 24/7. If only that person was here by my side comforting me like they used to. I truly miss them more than anything. I wonder... do they miss me as much as I miss them? Will I ever see my best friend in person again? I feel like a nobody. I feel like I'm no good... I've felt this feeling before, and that friend was the only person who made me feel necessary. That person is my best friend. And without them, I'm a nobody. But I was once told by that wise friend, "Love never ends and friendships never die unless they never existed in the first place." I know for sure ours existed so it shouldn't end. And I won't let it end.Sometimes I like to look up at the night sky and gaze at the stars. Then I see the moon and realize that I might be miles away, but I feel close to all my loved ones. Why? Well, there is only one moon, and that moon unites us all by heart. So maybe I'm distant from everyone right now, but I carry them in my heart. And maybe I'll see them again in the future...

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