Chapter 14

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It's been a week, Jin is still staying at Yoongi's place. But, today was different. Today, Yoongi couldn't go to work with Jin because he was going to Daegu to visit family.

"I wish you could come with me Jinnie.." Yoongi pouted. Jin chuckled and shook his head. "No, it's ok. Go! I need to go to work anyway." He gave Yoongi a reassuring smile, Yoongi still felt a little bit guilty though.

"Welp, I gotta go. I love you Jin!" He said, and kissed Jin on the lips. Jin, of course, blushed, but kissed back. They said farewell and Yoongi left to go to the train station. Now, Jin decided to get ready for work.

"I have an hour and a half, that enough time for a shower." Jin said, and had a quick shower. After that, he got changed and walked to work, along his favourite route, the train track.

Its so easy to just... sit on the track and end it all. Why can't you? You're a coward, Seokjin. That's what you are, COWARD!

Soon, Jin arrived at work. "Hey Jin!" Lisa yelled from her desk. Jin walked over to her and smiled. "Hey Lisa, how are you?" Jin asked. Lisa smiled and blushed, and Jin could tell something happened. He noticed her hand and saw a beautiful, rose gold ring with a gorgeous diamond in the middle.

"That's a pretty ring." Jin said, and Lisa blushed even more. "I-it's from Rosé.." Lisa chuckled. Jin felt his heart melt a little bit, such a cute relationship!

"That's adorable. Anyway, I gotta go work. See ya Lisa." He said, and once again, like every other day, made his way to his cubicle.

He sat in his chair and began to work. He got so focused on his work that he didn't even realise a certain someone standing behind him.

"Jin?" He said. Jin got startled, and let out a small yell. "Ah!" He shouted. He turned around and saw Jungkook, standing there with two coffees. "I got you a coffee." He said, and handed Jin the coffee. Jin was a little bit shocked. "O-oh, thank you Jungkook." He said and took a sip of the coffee. Weird, the coffee is exactly how he likes it.

"How did you know I like my coffee just like this?" Jin asked. Jungkook smirked. "It's silly, but I asked Lisa." He said. "It's not silly, it's very thoughtful I guess." Jungkook showed his cute bunny smile.

"Jungkook!" Jimin yelled, Hoseok and Namjoon with him. ''Here we go..' Jin thought. "What?" Jungkook replied. The three walked up to him, their faces in disgust when they realised Jin was with him. "Why are you with HIM?!" Namjoon asked in disbelief.

Jungkook had enough. Why couldn't they just stop? "Maybe because I decided to give the poor guy a chance! Either be friendly to him or PISS OFF!" Jungkook shouted, a few other co-workers getting aggravated by the shouting, but that was the least of Jungkook's concerns.

"Jungkook, come on! He's a freak, everyone knows that!" Hoseok said, Jungkook just rolled his eyes. "No he's not. He's a friendly guy, you guys need to realise that." Seokjin just sat there, awkwardly. What could he do? He couldn't say anything. He just wanted to leave but he couldn't.

"C-can you guys go? Me and Jungkook were just talking. I have work to do and I need to get it finished, no offence but you causing a scene is a big distraction, to not only me but to everyone else here too." Jin said, passive aggressively.

Jungkook nodded his head and raised one eye brow at the three. Jimin rolled his eyes and stormed off, followed by Namjoon and Hoseok. "Don't worry Jinnie, I'll either get them to come around or leave you alone for good." He said, before getting up and leaving.

"I hope so.." Jin mumbled to himself.

It was the end of Jins shift, and he decided to walk home again. He was walking near the train track, it was dark and he heard footsteps behind him.


He stopped and turned around but nobody was there. "Weird.." he muttered, and continued to walk.

Step, step, step..

"Who's there?!" Jin yelled, nobody replied. This is when Jin started to get freaked out. 'Maybe it's just an animal or something. Stop scaring yourself!' He thought to himself, and tried to calm his anxiety down.

It was when his waist was grabbed by someone's arms, that he started to panic. Jin was pushed up against the wall, standing before him was Hoseok, Namjoon and Jimin.

"Why were you guys following me?! Let me go!" Jin yelled, the other three just started to laugh at him. "Shut up. You don't have your Yoongi to come save you now, so cry all you want." Jimin said, and slapped him across the face.

"Please.. just let me go." Jin asked, his cheeks already stained with tears, and a small cut on his cheek from the slap. "Shut it!" Namjoon yelled, and Jimin slapped him again. "I heard you're going through some stuff Jin, do us all a favour and kill yourself already!" Hoseok spat in his face.

"Yeah, just do it, coward." Jimin added. They kept hitting him, and hitting him.

"HEY!" They heard a yell. They turned around and saw Taehyung and Jungkook. The two ran towards them. Jungkook had videoed it all, and Taehyung was extremely mad. Taehyung started to attack them all until they all ran off, while Jungkook took care of Jin.

"Come on, come back to our apartment Jin." Taehyung said. Jin nodded his head. The two helped Jin to walk, as he was pretty beat up. "Don't worry, I recorded it all. I'll show it to Yoongi and he will fire them. You will be ok." Jungkook said.

Jin got into some pyjamas after showering. "Get some sleep Jinnie." Taehyung said to him, and gave him a hug. "O-ok." Jin said, and went upstairs to go to sleep.

How was this? Shit? Ok.

Hi. I'm back.



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