Chapter 15

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Jin woke up, in pain. He was in his own bed, in his and Taehyung's apartment. Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi and Lisa were sat on his bed, looking awfully worried.

"Jin hyung! You're awake, good. Are you feeling ok?" Yoongi asked, he was so concerned. Can you blame him? His boyfriend got beat up by his employees! "I-I'm feeling fine, I'm just a little bit achey, that's all." Jin said, and held his head as he had a little bit of a headache.

"I got you some tablets." Taehyung said, and handed him a glass of water and the pills. He took the pain killers and put the glass of water on his bed side table. He let out a small "thank you."

"No problem." Taehyung replied. "Don't worry Jinnie, I will make sure to fire them. They won't get away with this!" Yoongi said. He sounded a little aggravated.

"No! You don't need to.." Jin said. Seokjin felt guilty, he felt it was his fault that they were going to lose their jobs. "Jin, it's not your fault. They deserve it!" Lisa said, Jungkook nodded in agreement. "You can't let them do this to you, it will make you feel awful about yourself." Jungkook added.

Jin nodded his head but didn't say anything. "Are you feeling nauseous at all?" Lisa asked. Jin shook his head. "My head isn't as bad anymore after I took the pain killers, what's the time?" Jin asked. "9:00am." Yoongi said, looking at his watch.

"Do you wanna do anything?" Taehyung asked. Jin nodded his head. "We could all go out together! Lisa, you can invite Rosé along." Jungkook said In excitement.

Jungkook POV
This will be great! Like a triple date! Yoongi and Jin, Lisa and Rosé and me and Tae! I can't wait for this. I just love Taehyung so much and I'm so lucky to be his boyfriend. Lately he hasn't been as close, but I'm sure it's all ok. I'm sure he loves me a lot!


"I need to shower." Jin said, and got up to grab some clothes to take to the bathroom. "If you're in pain I can help you.." Yoongi said and smirked, but Lisa hit him in the face with a pillow. Jin, Tae and Jungkook just laughed while Yoongi pouted. "No Yoongi!! Jin is way to innocent for your tricks. You WONT destroy this poor boys innocence." Lisa yelled.

"Ok, ok! Sorry. Go have your shower DARLING!" Yoongi teased, Jin just rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom. He got out of his clothes and into the shower. The hot water felt so good, but washing himself was a struggle.

Touching the bruises was so painful, it was unreal. "They must have hit me real hard, huh.." Jin said to himself and sighed. He washed his hair and his body and got out the shower. He changed into a pastel pink hoodie and black skinny jeans, and black converse. Of course, he looked super cute.

He then went to the mirror and opened the cupboard. Inside was a bag full of cosmetics. He washed his face and put a little bit of makeup on. A bit of concealer to hide his dark eye bags, because of how tired he always is, and to even out his skin a little bit. He put on a little bit of natural coloured eye shadow and some lip tint.

He walked out the bathroom and back into the bedroom. "Is everyone ready to go?" Jin asked. Yoongi practically pounced on him and gave him a huge hug. "You look so cute~!" He shouted and wouldn't let go of him.

"Yoongi, you need to like, not kill your boyfriend." Lisa said and dragged him off of Jin. "I messaged Rosé, she will meet us outside." Lisa said. They all left the apartment and finally they were outside. Waiting there was Rosé.

"Lisa!" She waved and ran to her. They gave each other a cute kiss and hugged. "Ok, so where are we going to go?" Jungkook asked. "You guys didn't decide?" Jin asked, they all shook their heads.

"Hmm.." yoongi thought. "How about the theme park? I'm in the mood for rollercoasters." Yoongi suggested. Jungkook's face lit up. "Yeah! Let's go to the theme park!" He started to get all excited, so they all decided to go.

They all got a taxi to the theme park, bought their tickets and entered the park. "Yoongi, I'm sitting by you on every ride." Jin said, and clinged to Yoongi's arm. "What, you scared?" Yoongi chuckled. "What?! Pffft, no." Jin scoffed and Yoongi nodded. "So yeah you are scared."


"Oh my god guys can we ride that?!" Jungkook said and pointed at a huge rollercoaster. "Sure.." Taehyung said. Rosé and Lisa nodded their heads and so did Yoongi. "You has to pick the scariest one didn't you? Fine, we can. But the seats are in pairs so I'm sitting by Yoongi." Jin said, and Yoongi laughed.

"I'll buy you candy floss afterwards, don't worry." Yoongi said, and Jin smiled. "Pink candy floss?" "Of course."

They both got on the ride, and Jin was the most scared. During the ride he wouldn't let go of Yoongi's hand. There were loops, high bits, low bits and scary drops. Not to mention it was super fast.

After the ride, as promised, Yoongi bought Jin his candy floss. They went on a few more rides and then decided to have some food and sat on the benches in the grassy area. Jungkook sat next to Taehyung and tried to cuddle him a little bit.

To his disappointment, Taehyung scooted away. "You ok Tae Tae?" Jungkook asked. "Don't call me that!" Taehyung snapped a little bit. Jungkook's face fell. Was it something he said?

"Is there something you're not telling me?" Jungkook was on the verge of tears. Taehyung got up and stormed off to the restroom. "You should go talk to him." Said Rosé.

So, that's what Jungkook did. He got up and followed Taehyung. The restroom was dark, and empty. Just a few stalls, a few sinks and some urinals. "Ew.." Jungkook said to himself, as the restroom stank.

"Tae? You here?" Jungkook called. He felt two hands on him, and then he was pushed up against the wall. It was Taehyung. "T-Tae..?" Jungkook was a little scared. Usually Taehyung was being a bit more submissive in the relationship, but now he was being really dominant and it was weird.

"I... I'm sorry Jungkook. I just fucking love you, and it's a problem!" Taehyung said and smashed his lips on Jungkook's. Their lips disconnected and Jungkook gave a confused look. "How is it a problem? We're dating, I love you, you love me!" He said.

"Because my fucking parents don't approve and they're constantly trying to get me with this fucking girl!" Taehyung shouted. "Just... don't talk to them!" Jungkook suggested, and then Taehyung reached his fist.


Parts of the mirror fell to the floor, Tae's knuckles, bleeding. "Oh my god! Tae, are you alright?!" Jungkook said and took hold of his hands. He washed them with water.

"Look, ignore them. We're happy and that's all that matters." Jungkook said, held his chin and kissed him. Taehyung smiled and him and hugged him. They both left. The group went on a few more rides, and then caught a taxi home.

Jungkook stayed at Taehyung's apartment, and Jin went back to Yoongi's. Rosé and Lisa then left.

"Today was really fun. I love you Jin." Yoongi said and kissed Jin on the lips. "I love you too."

Ahhhhhhhhhhh i suck at writing yay :D


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