Chapter 1 - Words

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Sometimes, the world can be sh*tty. I've learned that the hard way. People just hate you for no reason and don't even bother to understand you.

And that really sucks.

I hate people like that. The people who have everything and give back nothing, just because they think they're better than other people.

It's bullsh*t. Complete and utter bullsh*t.

Words hurt. Of course some people don't care and say them anyway without regard. Nothing wrong with being honest, but what they're saying isn't honest, it's just hurtful. I hate that they just... Don't care.


"You're such a loser." A boy snarled at my face as a walked past. I ignored him, I always ignore them. Better than snapping like I used to and beating the cr*p outta him.

Though that would certainly teach him a lesson.

Still, self control is necessary in a crazy environment like highschool. Which by the way, I cannot wait to get out of. It's a ticking time bomb of angst, drugs, and idiots. Mostly idiots, anyway.

More people hissed and jeered at me as a walked past, their faces twisted into snarls or smirks. They looked pretty stupid, to be honest. Again, I ignored them.

"People are just d*cks, ain't they...." I muttered bitterly under my breath. God I hated this school.

A girl with long brown hair and emerald eyes walked up to me, her sharp ears catching my words, "Well, that can't be helped, Salem. They just don't like what they don't understand."

"I know Lara, but it's still f*cking rude."

"That can't be helped, unfortunately." Lara brushed a lock of hair from her face. Her eyes seemed to constantly be rolling at other people, and she was constantly sighing disapprovingly.

I shrugged, walking with her into our first class, English. Sitting in the corner was a girl with curly short blonde hair, the tips of it shimmering rose gold. Her eyes were focused on the paper in front of her, a picture beginning to bloom from under her hands.

"Hey Piper." I slid into the seat next to her, elbow propping on the table. Piper looked up, smiling as she acknowledged me, then going back to her drawing. She had dark circles under her eyes again, indicating she hadn't gotten much sleep that night.

Sitting next to Piper was a boy with white hair, white skin, and purple eyes. Viktor. He was one of my closest friends, and one of first people I'd talked to at the school. We were naturally drawn to each other, considering how strange we both looked.

By the way, I'm a goth. I wear black and edgy things all the time and maybe some face paint once in a while for fun. Keep in mind goth and emo are two different things. I'm only into the fashion aspect of it, if you could even call it that. Though I do have a really cynical attitude.

Viktor is an albino. He has no pigment in his skin or hair and his eyes are purple from the mixture of light and something else I can't quite remember... But anyways it has to do with his albinism.

So yeah, the two weird looking kids are good friends. Pretty expected for a generic highschool. But I don't mind.

Viktor gave me a friendly smile, "Hey Salem. How are you?"

"Hey Vik. Could be better." I returned his smile with a slightly less friendly one. Just my nature.

Viktor frowned, "I'm... Sorry to hear that." His soft purple eyes glittered.

I shrugged, "Eh, just some rude *ss kids. You know, the usual."

Viktor gave a small nod, going back to his work. He looked up for a moment, "Why... Why are they rude?"

"Honestly, I don't know." I sighed, fidgeting with my hands. I glanced over and Lara was talking quietly with Piper, "Lara says it's because they fear what they don't understand. But I wouldn't know. I'm the thing they don't understand."

Viktor chuckled softly, "Yeah, we all are."

'We', as in our group of friends. We were the outcasts, the people most kids wouldn't be caught dead talking to, the ones that got bullied and left out and scorned. That was us.

It irked me at times. Why were we even outcasts in the first place? We were just being ourselves...

Ugh, people are so unfair.


I heard the bell ring, the sharp noise piercing my ears and causing everyone in the classroom to flinch. I stood up, grabbing my stuff, when I spotted someone saunter up to Piper out of the corner of my eye.

"Hello Piper. How are your parents?" A girl with bright blonde hair and pale skin sneered at her. Great, another popular kid.

Piper didn't answer, diverting her eyes from the girl. The other girl scowled, smacking Piper's books from her hands as she stood up.

"Don't ignore me you b*tch." I could see Piper's teeth clench, but she still remained silent. I swung my backpack over my shoulder, about to head over and pull my friend away from danger when I was forced to pause by the crowd of people gathering around the two.

"D*mnit!" I heard Lara curse from somewhere around me. I couldn't see her though, as the mass of people blocked me from seeing much of anything.

I felt a hand reach over and hold mine tightly. I turned around and glanced down, seeing the bone white color. Viktor. I looked up and from his face I could see he was scared half to death. I squeezed his hand to let him know it was okay. At least, for now it was.

The girl gave an exasperated huff and kicked Piper as she picked up her books. Piper nearly doubled over and some of the kids in the crowd started laughing. I felt anger boil in my belly and clenched my free hand into a fist.

The teacher had by now noticed and was walking over with an annoyed expression on her face. The crowd moved in to make it near impossible for her to get to the two students in the middle. I saw her take out a small device and I assumed she was calling the school security.

The blondie loomed over Piper, smirking, "You're a worthless, stupid, piece of sh*t. I bet that's why your parents divorced."

Piper looked up, and I swore I saw one of her eyes twitch. She spoke in a venomous tone that seethed with hatred.

"What did you say, sl*t?" Her sea blue eyes had gone from downcast and blank to a knife edged glare in seconds. If looks could kill, the other girl would be dead in 0.5 seconds.

"I said you're the reason your parents separated."

Piper's mouth twisted into the darkest grin I'd ever seen on a person, then her hand swung up and caught the other girl square in the face.

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