Chapter 6 ~ Walk

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I can barely see through the haze as I open my eyes. A stab of agony goes through my head and I groan, closing them to avoid the painfully bright lights. My senses slowly come back to me, first my sight, then my hearing, and finally my touch. I feel a warm hand holding my own and look up into worried green eyes.

Tyson was holding my hand in theirs, their eye s lighting up as they saw me awaken, "Chelsea! Chelsea he's awake!" A smile broke across their face as they squeezed my hand tightly, clearly relieved.

"Hey Ty..." I croaked out, My voice raspy from not being used. I tried to sit up, but found myself unable to. I looked down, but didn't see any restraints. Only sheets covering the lower half of my body, "What... what happened?"

"You got run over by a bus, Andrew." Chelsea answered, walking over. Her voice was quiet as always, but her warm hazel eyes were filled with concern.

"A bus? But how-" I cut myself off, remembering pushing Angela out of the way, and Tyson screaming for me to get out of the way, "A-angela! Is she okay?"

A head of brown hair poked up from the side of the bed. I looked down to meet my sister's wide eyes. She was crying, hugging my arm tightly.

"Oh Angela..." I murmured, gently stroking her hair, "I'm okay, you don't need to cry." She shook her head, hugging my arm even tighter.

Chelsea sighed, walking over and gently pulling Angela away. She spoke softly to calm the girl down, patting her head.

Tyson took a deep breath, looking away and into my eyes. I could see the relief and fear mixed in their gaze, and instinctively squeezed their hand.

"I was so scared. You could've died, Drew." Tyson muttered, holding my hand tightly. They had tears in their eyes, biting their lip. I had noticed over the years it was a nervous habit of theirs.

"But I'm alive, and I'm fine. It's okay, Ty, you don't have to worry about me." I squeaked as Tyson pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'll worry about you all I want, doofus." Tyson grumbled into my ear, their tone of voice betraying how relieved they were that I was alive.

A doctor walked into the room with a clipboard in hand. She had long red hair tied up into a bun on her head, and dark brown eyes. A quiet sigh escaped her lips as she looked between the four of us.

I turned my head to look at her, still trying to figure out why I wasn't able to move my lower body without any restraints being there.

"Hello everyone. And hello Andrew. I'm glad you're finally awake." She smiled warmly, adjusting the coat around her shoulders, "Now, there are some matters we have to discuss before Andrew can be released from the hospital. You see, he had spinal damage, very severe damage at that. We tried to see what we could prepare but alas, we couldn't repair the issue."

"Issue, what do you mean?" Tyson asked, a strain in their voice. I took their hand and squeezed gently, producing a soft smile from them.

"We tried to repair the nerve damage done but... I'm sorry Andrew, but your spine was too badly damaged. The nerves aren't functioning and as a result you won't be able to walk anymore." The doctor told us, shaking her head.

I sat in shock for a few minutes. Unable to walk? Did that mean that I was-

"So he's paralyzed." Chelsea murmured softly, her words barely louder than a whisper. I could see the strain on her face from speaking in front of the doctor, who she hardly knew.

The doctor slowly nodded, glancing at me, "Yes. From the waist down. There are many complications that come with having limited mobility, but we've already organized for you to go to a physical therapist who can help you get back into the swing of things."

I ran a hand through my hair. Paralyzed. From the waist down. How was I supposed to get around? To play the sports I liked? I used my legs so often that the loss of them left so many questions unanswered.

It was something I never even thought about much. Guess I took it for granted. The old saying is right then. You never do know how much something means to you until it's gone.

If only I had listened.

"He's very lucky. Many people die from being run over, not instantly but sometimes they have vital organs damaged and internal bleeding and a list of calamities I don't need to mention. Thankfully it was only his spine that was damage and a few broken ribs."

That was true. I was very lucky, having survived being run over by a damned bus in the middle of the street. It was fortunate no one else had accidentally run over me or I could very much have ended up dead.

Tyson's grip on my hand tightened, a look of almost pain on their face. I knew they felt guilty even when nothing that had happened was their fault. To be honest, it was mine. I had thrown myself into the street in the first place.

But I don't care that it was stupid. I saved my sister and that was what mattered. Even if it hurt me. I was older and stronger than her. Who knows what would've happened if I hadn't pushed her away in time?

I just wished that the whole situation could've been avoided, but no. The universe just had to say a big "Screw you" and paralyze me. Fantastic. This is what I get for being the older sibling.

Angela was clinging to my arm, silently crying. I knew she also felt guilty, I could see it in the way her eyes were downcast and how she didn't meet my gaze. I didn't blame her, not at all.

I may have been inconvenienced by the lack of use of my legs, but I would live.

This was just another one of life's hurdles I had to jump over.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 ⏰

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