Chapter 2 - I Was You Once

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Something in me snapped. I glared up at the girl, and before I knew it my fist had swung up and smacked her in the jaw. She looked at me with surprised eyes, stumbling backwards. Her mouth was dropped into a small 'o' and I could've laughed at it if I wasn't burning with anger.

 "Piper no!" I could hear Lara cry out from somewhere within the crowd. I wasn't able to see her, but I knew she was there. She sounded distressed, fearful even.

But I was beyond caring at this point. I was just mad. Really mad. Anger boiled in my head, in my blood. My face twisted into a scowl.

The girl backed away, hands in the air like she was surrendering, but I didn't care. I kept advancing, teeth bared and eyes flashing.

The girl whimpered, too terrified to even scream. I glared at her, nearly shaking.

"Never say that about my parents. Never." I snarled, eyes flaring, "Is that f*cking clear?"

The girl nodded frantically, unable to speak. I whipped around, fuming.

I hate this. I hate all the f*cking idiots at this god d*mn school! I hate them! I hate them! I-

I slammed into the teacher, her sharp grey eyes slicing into me.

"You have a lot to explain, young lady."


I adjusted my glasses, glaring at the girl sitting next to me. She squirmed uncomfortably, looking really nervous.

Good, she frickin deserved it.

"Piper, Melanie, the principal will see you now."

I looked at the girl. So her name was Melanie. Nice name. For a b*tch.

She glanced at me nervously, eyes darting about.

The secretary led us into the Principal's office, shaking her head. As she left I felt her squeeze my shoulder gently.

Right, she was divorced. At least one person kind of knew how I felt...

The principal turned around to look at me and Melanie, "Ms. Marina. Ms. Smith. I received knews from your teacher that you two got into fight not 30 minutes ago. Is this true?"

"Yes." I answered immediately, not letting Melanie interject. She glared at me. I glared back.

"Ladies, ladies. Calm down." The principal, Mrs. Brooke, shook her head, "I heard from your friends, Ms. Marina, that Ms. Smith said some pretty nasty things to you. Is this true?"

"Yes-" I began, but Melanie interjected with a whine.

"That's a lie! I didn't say anything!" She pouted, eyes wide, "She hit me!"

"You kicked me in the frickin stomach! How is that any better?" I hissed, barely able to refrain from snarling.

"GIRLS!" Mrs. Brooke stood up, her voice booming. I looked at her, barely concealed rage threatening to explode out of me. Melanie looked as if she was about to faint, face pale.

Oh how I hated her in that very moment.

Mrs. Brooke cleared her throat, sitting back down, "Now girls, I understand you two are not on the best of terms right now but-"

"She hit me! Really hard! For no reason!" Melanie wailed.

"Melanie Darwin Smith, be quiet this instant!" Mrs. Brooke commanded, eyes flashing.

Melanie closed her mouth, face even paler. She looked down.

"Thank you. Now, Piper, what did she say to you to make you attack her?"

I scowled, "Mainly, she said I was the reason my parents split up. And many other things that didn't bother me."

The principal nodded, "I see. Well, I'm very sorry you had to go through that.  Melanie, we will be having another talk with your parents. You are dismissed."

Melanie brushed past me, sticking out her tongue. I nearly punched her, but refrained.

I turned to Mrs. Brooke, "What now. You going to throw me into detention? Make me do cleaning duty? Make me apologize?" I looked away, teeth clenched, "Whatever it is, just do it."

"You don't have a punishment, Piper."

I looked up, mouth open in disbelief, "What?"

"I... I understand what you're going through. I was a child of divorce as well and..." She sighed, "I was in the same situation with a much less forgiving principal. I don't want that to happen to you."

"I... thank you." I smiled at her, surprised but heartwarmed, "It's good to know that... someone here understands..."

"Indeed. If you ever need to talk, Piper, you can always come to me." Mrs. Brooke smiled, "You are dismissed."

I nodded, walking out of the office. When I got there, a surprise was waiting for me.

"Bri!" I ran over to my friend, tackling her in a hug.

"Hey Piper!" She smiled, taking hold of my wrist.

Oh, right. I should tell you that Bri's full name is Sabrina and she's blind.

But that doesn't matter to me. We're outcasts, after all.

Sabrina gripped my wrist, making sure I was there. I chuckled, tapping her hand to reassure her it was me. She sighed in relief.

Just then, a boy came by and shoved her, smirking. I opened my mouth to say something but stopped, looking at Sabrina. Her books were on the floor and she looked distressed, hands wandering around.

I leaned down, picking up the books for her. I gently placed them in her hands.

"Thanks Pip." She smiled in my direction, hand catching my wrist.

I smiled back, though I knew she couldn't see it. I touched her hand again, my fingers lingering out of concern.

"No problem." I helped her up, hand on her back.

Now you might be wondering why a blind girl goes to a school for non blind people, but Sabrina's family is very poor so they can't afford a special school.

Bri makes due though. And the rest of the gang and I help her.

"Why don't we head off to class, eh? Don't want the teacher mad at us for being late." I paused, "Again."

Sabrina chuckled, laugh tinkling like stars. Wait, what did I just think? Like stars, god what is wrong with me?

"Yeah, we should go." She held onto my arm and we started walking.

I looked at her face, taking it in fully. Fiery red hair, milky blue eyes, small lips, delicate shape. Why was I noticing all this just now? It was so weird.

Today is not my day... I sighed, shaking my head.

This school is a d*mn nightmare...

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