Chapter 5 ~ When Reality Sets In

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"ANDREW NO!" A scream tore out of my throat, terror ringing in my voice. I heard the sickening crack of bones breaking, seeing the bus skid to a complete halt. Traffic slowed to a total stop, people scrambling out of their cars to see what the hell was going on.

I covered Angela's eyes, staring in shock and horror at the body of my friend laying on the street, not moving an inch. Angela was frozen in terror, the reality of what had just happened sinking in. I could tell she realized she had almost been run over by the bus, shaking violently in my arms.

A girl stepped out of her car, eyes wide in horror similar to mine. She had flowing dawn pink hair and golden eyes tinted hazel. Chelsea. Shaking her head, she snapped back into focus, crouching down next to Andrew. I was still frozen, unable to move or respond to anything. All I could really think about was my best friend laying on the ground. I could there was blood leaking through his shirt, just at the hips. His eyes were closed and I had no idea if he was still breathing or not.

Chelsea crouched down, checking his pulse. Her golden eyes were filled with worry as she pressed her pointer finger to his wrist, closing them to concentrate.

They snapped open, looking relieved. Chelsea turned to me and then pointed at my phone. She flashed some words in ASL and I nodded. Call 911 is what she'd said.

Some of the other people standing nearby were checking on the people in the bus, including the driver. Over on the sidewalk, I pulled out my phone and called 911, telling them in a shaky voice that my friend had been hit by a bus on the road and that he needed a hospital and fast. They told me they'd be there as quick as possible.

I turned my phone off and put it away, running out towards Andrew with Angela still in my arms. She was shaking less now, then immediately began to cry once she saw the blood on her brother's body. I hugged her tightly, fighting the tears that stung my own eyes.

Chelsea looked at me, speaking very softly, "He's still alive, still breathing. Did you call the hospital?"

"Yes I did." I nodded, crouching down and grazing my hand over Andrew's cheek. A bolt of pain shot through me and I had to fight harder to keep the tears in my eyes from falling. I lifted his head gently and cradled it in my arms, "Andrew..."

Chelsea gave me a sorrowful look and stood up, her lips pressed into a thin line. She took her phone out and called someone, most likely the group chat. There was a muffled scream from the other line and Chelsea covered the speaker on her phone with her hand. Then she began speaking quickly yet quietly, gritting her teeth.

I heard the shrill echo of sirens in the distance, looking up. I saw the vague shape of what looked to be a hospital truck driving towards us. I closed my eyes, holding Andrew close to me. I could hear him breathing shallowly, air barely leaving his lips. Terror still ran from my veins. Even if he did get to the ambulance in time, he could still die.

And that scared the cr*p outta me.

Chelsea turned off her phone, frustration and pain flickering on her face. She breathed, regaining her usual placid expression, and ran to the ambulance, waving them over. Medical personnel came running over, already prepared for the situation. I was silent, still cradling Andrew, when one reached down to take him out of my arms.

I stared up at her, hugging him tightly to my chest. She sighed, looking at me with pity in her warm brown eyes.

"Kid, I'm gonna need you to let me take your friend there to the ambulance. He needs help and we can't help him if you cling to him like that." She held her arms out like she was asking for a hug. I looked down at Andrew in my arms, unconcsious and barely breathing.

She was right, he needed help and fast, and clearly I was not doing anything to make the situation better. I handed Andrew to the nurse and she walked off, raven black hair swaying behind her.

Chelsea walked back up to me, helping me stand. My whole body was shaking, all the emotions mixing in my mind were beginning to make me dizzy.

"Tyson, Tyson please calm down." She spoke in her usual soft, soothing tone, bright gold eyes gentle and flickering with worry. Seeing Chelsea look at me like that... that was the last straw. I kneeled on the ground, head in my hands, crying and screaming at the same time. I didn't know what I doing, or even really why. All I knew was my best friend had gotten hit by a bus and was being sent to the hospital and could be dying or dead at that very moment. I slumped against the wall behind me, banging my fist on the ground. Opening my eyes, I could see through tear blurred vision streaks of bright red blood beginning to drip down my hand, vaguely feeling a sharp stinging sensation. I couldn't find it in myself to care, my head and heart numb from the shock and terror still flowing through my bloodstream.

Chelsea took out a cloth, wet it with some water from her water bottle, and cleaned the blood and grit from my hand. She was silent as usual, but her expression and gentleness spoke volumes.

I looked at her with gratitude in my eyes. She simply smiled and kept cleaning my wounds, humming quietly under her breath.

I closed my eyes, taking deep, heavy breaths. Pain twisted in my chest as I clenched my uninjured hand into a fist, then unfurled my fingers. Andrew was in the hospital and there was nothing I could do to help.

All I could do was wait and hope to god he would be okay.

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