Chapter 6

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"I finally find someone I want to spend the rest of my life with and God takes him away!"

Tony left the room, with Uncle Alex, and he turned back, "Marge, please, don't be mad at God. He brought me two cousins I never knew I had."

After he had walked away, she sank onto the sofa. I sat beside her and she lay down, with her head on my lap. I had lost count of how many times her head had lain in my lap, over the years, as she contemplated, life's many mysteries. I soothed her hair and let her cry. Sometimes tears, were the best salve for a broken heart. After you got all the tears out, you could start to mend, then move on. But, there was one thing I was certain of, my tears would not be a healing balm. If I were to let them come, then they would be, as savage, as a tiger's claws, and would rip my heart to shreds.

Suddenly a light went off over my head, I would play matchmaker. I just realized, that, when the guard had seen my sister, before I turned away from him, his eyes held an emotion that I, now, knew to be love. That, also, brought about another realization, Cy loved me. My Cy loved me. I knew it now, but my mind reasoned with me that he may not have realized it yet. What was it Uncle Alex had said. It came back to me: Give him a while to mull things over. If he loves you like I think he does, then he would move Heaven and Earth, to get to you.

"Will you move, Heaven and Earth, Cy?"

Margie sat up wiping the tears from her face, "What are you talking about? Will Cy move Heaven and Earth? You're not talking about Cy Hawk, are you," She saw the pain flutter in my eyes, "Oh, Sis, What happened, please, tell me about it. Did that bum break your heart? If he did I'll wring his neck for him," she made a choking motion with her hands

I chuckled briefly, "No, I am just waiting for him to realize that he loves me."

"Do you love him?"

I nodded, but couldn't bring myself to look at her, "How can you love someone like him? Didn't that bum a long time ago, teach you to stay away from jerks?"

"Margaret Diane," I did look at her then, with an angry stare, "He is not like Vincent, in any way, shape, or form. Cy is a wonderful man and a very loving dad!"

"Dad? He told you he is a dad? He doesn't have a child."

I was floored, poleaxed, really, "What," I gasped.

"At least, I never saw one. Cy and I became good friends, but I never saw a child. I knew he had been married at one time, but she died or something. Why didn't he tell me?"

The pain in my heart abated swiftly, "Maybe he was waiting for the right woman to come along."

I couldn't move, the blood froze in my veins, I was afraid to look. Afraid the voice I heard, would be a figment of my imagination. Margie got off the couch and walked out the door, still I did not move. I heard the door softly click shut, I did not move. I heard the lock turn, still...I did not move. The blinds closed and the voice again spoke, "Don't you have something to tell me?"

Still, I had not moved, couldn't move. I wanted to, but I needed Cy to tell me what I wanted to hear. I, also, knew he'd not overheard my confession of loving him, or, he'd have said something. Cy cursed silent words I couldn't make out. Then he was kneeling in front of me and I closed my eyes. "Look at me," Cy demanded.

"No," I shook my head.

"Harmony, I need you to look at me."


"Fu..."My eyes flew open, to find him smiling into my eyes, "I thought that would get you to open them," then the smile left his lips, "Harmony...tarnation, this is very uncomfortable," he stood and pulled me up so he could sit on the couch. He then proceeded to pull me onto his lap. I got up, to sit beside him, "Harmony, I moved Heaven and Earth to find you and I be danged if I go back to Concho without you." That wasn't what I needed to hear, but it was a start. I knew Cy hadn't realized what I had figured out, but I could wait, forever if need be.

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