Chapter 9

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I didn't answer, I ran to my little girl, not caring that I was tripping over the hem of my gown. I took her out of her grandmother's arms and drew her quavering body against my heaving chest. She wrapped her tiny arms about my neck, "I love you, Mommy, I love you." and I told my Missy-Pie, Mommy loved her too.

I walked back to the car, on a cushion of air, and sat again in the front seat. Cy slid back behind the wheel and turned to look at me. I could see all the love in his heart, pouring out through tender, wolfen eyes. I sat Nellie between us and buckled her in. I then, leaned over her head, grabbed the back of Cy's head, forcibly pulling him into my kiss. As we came up for air, I gasped against his open mouth, "Home, James, and make it quick," I flicked an eyebrow, that caused Cy to shower down on the gas.

The spray of gravel, that nearly reached the on-lookers, caused them to roar with laughter, but we never noticed. Our minds were focused on what lay in store, that was, after we got our little angel to sleep. I never thought Nellie was ever going to go to sleep, she kept clinging to me, as if, she were afraid I would vanish. I, also, think she felt I was keyed up and that, it, piqued the excited elation she felt. I could tell Cy was getting annoyed, by the way he kept stalking in and out of the little bedroom. I told her I wanted to sing her a lullaby, that my Mama used to sing to me; and that I sang to Margie, whenever she had trouble sleeping. She drifted off to sleep by the time I got to the last line.

Cy stood in the doorway and listened. When the sun, dips way down, behind the trees,...before you go to bed, get down on your knees...Ask the Lord, to keep you safe, to keep you free...,from all the evil, that's in the keep you here with me...Ask him to let the morning be bright, to fill your heart with his guiding light...When the sun goes behind the mountain, before you go to sleep,..throw your penny into...the prayer fountain..., Ask the Lord to watch over ...all those you love...and if I should die, my breath caught on a couple of sobs, I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder and I closed my eyes, before you wake...know that I will be Heaven above...When the sun, sinks behind the land...before you close your eyes...Ask the Lord to save your take you by the hand...then you will know...You will fly...into my arms...Where you will never again...feel the need to cry.

Cy, placed his hands, under my arms, and gently pulled me into his. As we stood there, with his forehead on mine, he whispered, "That was beautiful, Honey, I love you so much." He left me standing there, only long enough to turn on Nellie's nightlight. He then switched off the overhead light. He pulled me out of the room, then savagely picked me up, and carried me to our bedroom. He kicked the door closed, then leaned his backside against the wall, so he could lock the door. He took a couple steps from the door and placed my feet on the floor. He fumbled with the buttons on the back of my gown. "You know, right now," he croaked, "I am reminded of a childhood rhyme that starts out, Miss Mary Mack. How does that go again?"

I teasingly sang, "Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack, All dressed in black, black, black, with buttons in a row, row, row, All down her back, back, back." I darted an eyebrow up, then back down, "How many can you count?"

He growled deep in his chest, as he attacked my lips, then he drew back, "You know, I never got past one, cause I can't get the darn thing..."

I laughed, "You could always rip it off me."

He grabbed my sleeves, "There's a thought."

I stepped away from him in shock, "You wouldn't dare!"

He menacingly stepped up to me, "Why, wouldn't I?"

I saw him then, for the hungry wolf, that I knew his grey eyes promised he could be. I put a hand over his heart, "I want to have Nellie wear this dress when she gets married."

I could tell I blind-sided him with that little declaration. but he quickly recovered, "I'll make a compromise, You let me use my pocket knife to cut off the buttons and I will put them in a safe place, til they are needed," I couldn't say anything, so I just nodded. He went to the cedar wardrobe and brought back a porcelain jewelry box. I opened it and a ballerina danced on tiny feet. I cried out in delight, as I looked closer at the face.

"Oh, Cy, it's the...fourth...most beautiful thing I have ever seen. But, how did you ever find one with a ballerina that looked like Nellie?"

"I didn't, the day you left, I went to see a guy who did it, from a photograph. It was there, that I found your engagement ring. It's like fate brought me there. The ring reminded me so much of you, I had to buy it. I decided then and there I wanted you to marry me. But after I got back to the garage Frank, my boss, told me of the strange call he got from you. After I realized you hadn't left on a bus, I immediately drove to the airport. I grilled all the personnel on duty, until I found one who knew which plane you'd gotten on, she said my description of you was and I quote, 'Spot on'. I searched for the name of the airport, closest to your home, I remembered Margie told me she was going there to visit you one year," he brushed the side of my face with his knuckles, "You know, a man can remember a lot when his heart's on the line." he kissed my eyes, "I called the airport and told them the number that pilots use to identify themselves. I'd threatened to get the girl fired if she didn't give it to me." he grinned weakly, as I chastised him for doing that to her, "I was a desperate man. I was told the flight plans'd been changed, so I searched for the advertising firm. I was on my way to see Margie, when I ran into you." He kissed me and asked me to tell him what the first three most beautiful things I had ever seen were. He told me to start at the third and work my way back.

"This ring you put on my hand," He kissed the rose on it, "the daughter you gave me, and the man I fell in love with." I eased my arms around his waist and smiled up at him, "You know, Darling, " Cy whispered our new favorite, three-letter phrase: I like it.

"Darling, Darling, Darling!"

He moaned, then he forgot what I said about my ear, and my neck shrank like that of a turtle when it senses danger nearby, "Sorry, Sweetheart, I forgot."

He nuzzled my neck, right below my ear, the shiver started. He kissed the spot he had nuzzled, the shiver became a quiver. He licked my neck and my knees buckled, a little. I felt the smile on my skin and rasped out, "I told you it was up to you to find my weakness," and before I knew what he was going to do, He licked my neck and ear. I went down to the floor like a ton of lead, dragging him on top of me. "So," he cleared his throat, "It appears that alone they pack a punch, but together they're explosive as dynamite."

I pushed at him until he finally rolled off me and rose to his feet. I reached for a hand up. "You better get this dress off me, before Fenelia wakes up"


"Yes, please, knife, do it with your teeth if you have to."

He groaned and I laughed. He fished the hawk-bill knife from his pocket and severed all the tiny strands that held the buttons fastened to the champagne colored silk. He dropped each pearl-sized button carefully, into the porcelain box. He placed the box on the dresser that stood on the left side of the bed. He held back the black, velvet canopy he had tacked to the ceiling, around the perimeter of the bed, I saw on the shelf, over the pillows, seven candles, of varying shapes, sizes and heights. He lit each one before turning to lay on the left side of the bed and I told him I needed to go to the little girl's room. I ran into it and closed the door. I took the garter that Uncle Alex had stuffed into my small sachet. After I crawled onto the end of the bed, I took the corner of the canopy from him and let it drop into place, I said demurely, "I put the garter back on, Mr. Hawk" I tried to wriggle my eyebrows, "in its original location." then I added more slyly, "You could get Nick to come help you get it off...that is...if you don't think you can mange by yourself."

I squealed, as he lunged at me, wrestling me to the bed, "I see, Margie wasted no time telling you that." he kissed me and sat me up, "And as for Nick, he'd best stay where he's at, I don't need help making love to you," then he started undressing me. teasing me with tiny kisses...

Sorry, you will have to use your imagination; Remember, a Lady, never kisses and tells.

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