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That sound.

What in the world could it be?

My body aches, and my head feels like something is banging it to get out.

It felt like I was floating in the darkness.

Were ever I was it felt dark and cold.

I almost felt like the darkness had ate me whole.

My body felt nub too. 

I don't even remember what had happen too me to get in this state.

"How could you do this to me Scarlett". 

That voice I've definitely  heard it before.

I feel something warm around me. 

L-like big strong arms around me.

It felt weird.

I mean I never had this feeling in forever.

"Was it because I kissed you tonight".

"If you can hear me I am ..... and I .....".

That voice it sounded like a males voice.

What, what did he say?

As the voice kept talking it started to get harder to hear.

It was fading.

It kept repeating "".

But I don't know what the other words were other than im. 

After the last im... it  was gone.

Then out of no where I felt something wet on my shoulder.

But just like the voice it was gone too.

After floating in the darkness for what felt like hours. 

I see light.

Just a glimpse.

I reach my arm to touch it.

And as soon as my finger was inches away.

The light starts to get bigger.

I shut my eyes.


That noise again. 

When I open my eyes I see a room I've been in before.

I think I was still in the mans room again.

I was laying in his bed with tubes in my arms.

I look up and I see a bag with clear liquid in it .

It was connected to the tubs in my hand.

Then like a light bulb appeared  in my mind.

I remember what I did to myself.

Why am I alive no HOW am I alive?

There was so many questions going through my mind.

In the corner of my eye I see a figure.

I turn my head slowly to the side and what I saw made me gasp.

It was the man sitting in a chair.

He looked so sad.

Ugh what am I doing. 

Feeling sorry for a monster who made my life a living hell.

I try to get up but my body felt so weak.

Out Of The Mans GraspWhere stories live. Discover now