2- princess

17 0 5

The bell rang, signalling the end of my second period- English. Unfortunately, I was forced to sit at the back of the classroom, and listen to Mr. Hemmings lecture us about the importance of punctuation and grammar. I was typically focused in all my lessons back in my old school (probably because none of my teachers were remotely attractive) but I couldn't help but get distracted by Mr. Hemmings' mop of luscious golden curls and his piercing, ice-blue eyes. Saying that he was hot was an understatement.

As the lesson began to draw to a close, I was met with confusion and alarm as I realised that it was time for break and I had no one to sit with. Remembering Penelope's offer from before, I pushed through a crowd of smelly teenagers, trying to spot her shiny blonde bob in the crowd. It took me five minutes to find her, tapping her on the shoulder as I gave her a half-smile.

"Hi, Penelope. How was English? I had this really hot teacher." I chirped in her ear as she smiled back at me, linking her arms into mine.

"Mr. Hemmings, right? Rumour has it he just had a divorce with his wife. She was his childhood sweetheart and they were married for over 10 years," she chatted away. "But that doesn't stop all the girls from acting like total sluts around him though,"

"Yeah, I can tell," I giggled, remembering the girl, Kat, that had bent over right in front of his desk at the beginning of the class. The look of repulse on Mr. Hemmings' face was hilarious! I stopped giggling  abruptly as I noticed a familiar figure walking towards us. He had dark brown curls that were streaked with blonde, and a jawline so sharp it could slice a watermelon. I knew who that was- Calum Hood. My heart drummed wildly in my chest.

"Baby!!" I was broken out of my trance as Penelope's shrill screech echoed through my ears. Calum laughed, flashing his pearly-white teeth.

"Hello to you too, Penelope." he leaned forward, placing a gentle smooch on her lips as she gazed up into his eyes, her stare full of lust. He broke his gaze off with her, his wandering eyes trailing down my thighs and raking up my body. He smirked at me, "Hi, butterfingers. It's nice to see you again."

"H-h-hi." I stammered, heat rising to my cheeks. Butterfingers? Was I supposed to be offended? Why did he have that effect on me? Why did Calum freaking Hood make me squirm and blush so much? I thought to myself, Maybe it's because he's breathtakingly hot. And he probably his rippling abs too. I stifled a sigh at the thought of his sculpted body.

"Anyways, I'll see you girls during lunch, yeah?" Calum chuckled, breaking away from us.

"Sure." Penelope chorused.


"You never told me he was your boyfriend!"

"Well you never asked." Penelope replied to me, her eyes narrowing. "Why, you don't find him hot, do you? Well, he's mine, so back off bitch."

Startled by her sudden maliciousness I lied, "Of course not, he's ugly anyways."

"Umm, no, Calum Hood is totally cute. He's like the hottest boy in our year. It's too bad he's been dating Penelope for basically three years, though. I would totally take him if he was single." sighed one of Penelope's friends, Marissa, dreamily. She placed her hands towards her heart, as if stating a profession of love. Noticing Penelope's glare, she instantly placed her hands down, her face turning impassive. "Um... not that I find him dashingly handsome or anything."

"You and Calum are so cute together, Penelope." exclaimed Dani, earning a smile from Penelope.

"I know, right?" Penelope giggled, batting her eyelashes, "Calum's going take me out this Friday to the theme park to celebrate our third anniversary. It's going to be sooooo romantic. I can already imagine us doing it on the ferris wheel!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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