I'm Redoing This.

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What a title.

Also what a sucky person I am for going ghost for a year and leaving this story incomplete for as long as it's been. I'm not sure why, but I've just simply had no desire to touch this story for a long time. I still ship Percico and I'm in love with this story idea so don't worry.

And I will complete this damn thing even if it kills me.

I'm fighting a serious writing slump and have been for a while. But I have good news. I wanted this to be a surprise,  but then I thought I should let you people know as it involves deleting this story. I know how it feels to have a story you love disappear without warning and it is, hands down, the worst thing about Wattpad.

Yes, I will be deleting this story, BUT only because I've been working since November to rewrite the whole thing. At first I wanted to just bust through the last few chapters (we were nearing the end anyway) but then I decided to just rewrite the whole thing because I've grown as a writer since writing these chapters and I know it could've been better.

So, I plan on continuing to work on this story and posting the WHOLE THING all at once in the beginning of February. That gives me enough time to construct this story the right way and you enough time to re-read what's already here or save it or talk to me about keeping it up in some way if that's what you really want. The new version is going to be the same story with the same plot line, but it'll be fuller, better written and better developed.

I'm not promising a masterpiece (I'm still a shrimp at writing... not to insult shrimp) but I can promise I'll try my best at making this story worth the wait.

I'm so very sorry about disappearing. I do expect you to be mad at me (I would be at least apprehensive tbh) but I do want to make it up to you. This story is not discontinued and I never planned on giving up on it. I just hope you are willing to wait until February at the latest and you can have the whole story, beginning to end, all at once so no more waiting.

Thank you for at least reading this author's note and I'm interested in hearing what you think of all this in the comments. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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