Black Clouds Falling on a Sunny Day

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"I need to get as close to the Winchesters as I can. John is no threat, but that Bobby Singer fellow. He is another story. He cannot know where we are. He will kill me before the plan is rolling, and that would be catastrophic. He is a threat! But we cannot kill him. More hunters will come if we do."


Alistair woke up feeling the dread sink deep into his soul. Sure, the sun was shining, and sure he was finally leaving this family, but who was to say that the Winchesters were any better. Social Services? They were a joke. They always missed the bruises all over his body, and they certainly missed the pencil thin scars up and down his arms. Long sleeves and white lies filled his life. How would the Winchesters react if they knew what had happened to him? He didn't care if they beat him, he had lived with that enough. He just cared if they found the scars that littered his arms. These thoughts had terrorised him since the self-inflicted pain began. What if anyone found out? Would the bullying get worse, or would someone care enough to actually help?

The doorbell rang, startling him from his thoughts. He heard quiet voices, and he knew it was almost time. Grabbing his one duffle bag and his school bag, he started to slowly walk down the stairs. He did not look back at the room (if it could be called that), he had nothing but bad memories of that room. At the bottom of the stairs, he paused. The voices were louder here, but he still couldn't distinguish words from the whispers. Sighing, he turned the corner into the kitchen, surrendering his fight against the Winchesters.

Just before the room came into view for Alistair, a black cloud descended from the vents in the ceiling. Hit by the intense smell of sulfur, he fell to the ground, unable to move. He watched in horror as the black cloud flew towards him. Forcing his mouth open, the cloud disappeared down his throat. Standing back up, Alistair looked around, confused. Then without warning his eyesight when black, and he lost all control of his body. Strangely, he could still feel his skin, but he could not move anything.

The demon possessing Alistair, named Anael, smiled.

"Yes this will do nicely. Here we come Mary."

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