Sioux Falls, South Dakota

37 3 0

"Master, the Winchesters have reached the hotel."

"Good, good..."


The clerk looked up from the computer, startled by the rumbling sound of the Impala pulling into the parking lot.

Why is someone coming here? It's 1:30 am!

Dean turned around in his seat, and looked down on his mother's face. When she was asleep the scars that disfigured her face were less prominent, but they were definitely still noticable. Sighing, he reached a hand back to gently shake her into consciousness.


"Mom come on you have to wake up unless you want all of us to just sleep in the car tonight."

"Are we seriously there already?"

Dean looked at her wordlessly, and pointed out the window. Her eyes followed his hand, coming to a stop at the hotel sign just feet from the Impala.

Sioux Falls Motel:

Come for the Poker, Stay for the pie

Dean turned to Sam next, before gently shaking him.

Sam, seeing the sign behind his brothers head, didn't protest, but instead opened his door, stepping into the darkness.

The family of three entered the motel, and the bleary-eyed clerk silently rang them up for a room.

"That's going to be 75$ ma'am."  the clerk declared through a semi-stifled yawn.

Mary handed the woman the cash, took the key, and the three Winchesters headed to their room, hoping to sleep for at least a few hours before going to the real estate office to collect the keys to their new home.


Dean collapsed on the bed, falling asleep before his head hit the pillow.

The man was back. The man that was his father but not. The man with the solid black eyes.

This time, however, Dean was trapped on a bus with the man. There was no escaping his scathing tone as he said:

"You can't save Sammy, Dean. It's too late"


Dean woke up covered in sweat to the sight of sun filling the dingy hotel room. He heard the shower running and knew that their day was about to begin.

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