Chapter 2 The Village

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A small village far west of the castle lived a beautiful girl named Nana, the village says she is the most beautiful girl there but they didn't like something about her. She REALLY liked to ship people so the villagers thought she was strange in a ...kind way. But one day two men came to the village. One of them asked to marry the most beautiful girl there and those men's names were Ein and Daniel. Ein wasn't only strong, he was handsome too but Nana despited him because he only loved her for her beauty. Weeks had past since those men came to the village and they've been nothing but trouble to Nana. Ein has been trying to get Nana to marry him but every time he asked she'd say "NO" Nana went home after one of Ein's attempts and her father was in a bit of trouble. He was trying to get the sugar from the cabinet but it was too high, so she grabbed a chair and said with a grin "Let me help you with that." Her father said  happily "Well thank you Nana um... how was your day?" She told him about Ein's attempt and her father was furious. He said with a huff "That boy isn't good for you, he's nothing but trouble... I'm glad you turned him down my dear." After she finished talking to her father she tended to the garden. Then all of a sudden Ein jumped the fence to the garden and said with a huff "Please Nana Marry Me." Nana repeated with anger in her voice "For the last time No, I'm sorry but I'll never marry you Ein." With anger in his feet he stomped away into the village. The next day Nana's father told her that he was going away for a while to sell off the sweets he made then he asked her if she wanted something and she said "a rose please" her father in a confused tone asked her why'd she want a rose and she said "Because they're my favorite" he chuckled with a grin and said "Okay my dear...I'll get you a rose" after that he went on his his way waving goodbye to Nana.

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