Chapter 5 The Fear Of The Beast

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Meanwhile as Nana was in the castle with the Beast her father searched all over town for someone to help him save his poor daughter then he heard that Ein was still in town so he ventured off to where he lived. Ein was still angry that Nana keeps rejecting him everytime he asked to marry him so Daniel decided to sing a song telling how "GREAT" Ein is. Suddenly Nana's entered the building out of breath he yelled at everyone saying that there's a beast in a castle and that Nana was kidnapped by the beast he rushed towards Ein hopping he can help save his daughter and Ein agreed to his request but he and Daniel had other plans in mind. "A day has passed and Ein still hasn't shown up" he said in rage "You know what I'll go and save her myself that's what I'll do even if I don't know where it is?!" And so he ventured off in search of the castle, right after he left Ein and Daniel showed up at the house with a mysterious carriage when they found that Nana's father wasn't home he was furious so he commanded Daniel to stay there until Nana and her father came back and said "That's your mission". So Daniel stayed there waiting till they returned.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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