Chapter 4 Prisoner

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As Nana was gardening her father's horse came rushing into the village in fear. Nana noticed that her father wasn't with the horse so she began to panic. She asked the horse to take her to him and off they went to retrieve her father. Before she knew it she was approaching an enormous castle but she ventured on fearlessly. As she approached the castle she bumped into a broken branch so she picked it up and began to hold it as if it was a weapon. When she entered the castle she began to hear whispering in the far corner of the room and yelled "Who said that... Where are you?" she also began to hear a faint cough from upstairs so she grabbed a candle and rushed up the stairs to the distant coughing. As she ran up the last flight of stairs she saw her father locked within a prison. She fallen to her knees in front of the prison door. She asked her father "Why are you locked up... And you're sick, we NEED to get you home." her father replied "No you h-have to g-get out of here... believe me the castle is ALIVE, you need to leave." then an angry deep voice echoed throughout the hall saying "Who are you?" she replied back with "Actually, who are you?" Then the creature jumpef from the other side of the hall while concealing his appearance then he said "I'm the master of this castle." "Why is my father locked up? Can't you see he's ill?" She said as she is worried for her father. He replied "He was trespassing my castle so I'm merely locking him away" she yelled "Release my father and take me instead." He then said as being surprised "You'll take his place... IF YOU ARE YOU MUST PROMISE TO STAY HERE FOREVER AND I'LL LET YOUR FATHER GO." Her father said in sadness "No... I lost your mother but I can't lose you too." She then said "Come into the light?!" The creature ignored her request so she grabbed a candle and brought it towards his face to only see a terrifying beast. He said with anger in his voice "CHOOSE." She then said "I promise." "Done I'll see your father out." He then grabbed Nana's father and dragged him down to the courtyard where awaiting him was a cariete cart which would take him back to town. He then brang Nana to her new room and offered her to dinner then yelled "IT'S NOT A REQUEST!!" Then slammed the door leaving her in tears.

Updates will be slow due to my friend taking a while to write more parts

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