Chapter 3 The Beast

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As Nana's father galloped through the woods a tree was struck by lighting blocking his past to the fair but then he spotted a different rout and believed it was a short cut, so he steered his horse down the path hoping it goes to the fair but then out of nowhere a pack of wolves started to attack the cart full of goods. He panicked and wiped the horse to go faster to try and run away from the wolves. Then he came across a huge gate and he yelled "please help me... Open the gate!" As a sound of screeching of metal scratching against each other, the gate began to open and he runs inside. The wolves stopped at the gate with a halt as Nana's father escapes in an enormous castle. As Nana's father approached the castle he suddenly had an eerie feeling of being watched but he ignored it. He settled his horse and walked towards the icy castle door, the door opens and he enters. But he notices that there was no one at the door... he didn't think of it and closed the door. As he stepped deeper into the castle he said "Hello Mystery Host, thank you for helping me... whoever you are... I'll just be warming myself by the fire." but then he heard whispering behind him and quickly said "Who goes there." but there was nothing but a candle and a clock sitting upon a beutel. He ignored that also when he heard the sound of music in the next room across the hall, he then began the walk towards it then he peered into the room he saw nothing but a piano in the middle which is when the music suddenly stops. Then he was hypnotized by a delightful scent which led him to the dinning room where food was waiting for him at the table. He said with a grin "Thank you my mystery host." Then he sat down and began to eat when suddenly a small cup slid towards him. This small cup had a small adorable face with a smile going across it. The cup said with a slightly cute voice "I'm sorry sir, I wasn't supposed to move... Lucy said that it might be sorry." Nana's father said "oh that's alright... you're not THAT scary... what's your name little one?" She said her name was Kim. Suddenly the candle and the clock started to move as well. The candle spoke and said "Bonjour monsieur, my name is Aaron and he is bumbo..." "HEY my name is NOT bumbo, it's Blaze and I'm the castle Royal Capitaine." said the clock. They sat him in front of the fireplace to warm him up and they gave him a cup of tea but then roaring thunder erupts into the room striking fear into Nana's father. A enormous creature appeared from the darkness and yelled "WHAT ARE DOING HERE!" Nana's father spoke with a trample in his voice "I was lost in the woods a-and" "AND WHAT... DID YOU COME TO STARE AT THE BEAST?" replied the beast and Nana's father said with fear "NO I w-was lost a-and I needed a place to stay." the beast yelled "I KNOW WHERE YOU CAN STAY..... IN THE DUNGEON!" then he slammed the door taking Nana's father with him.

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