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(( NSFW warning!))

" Hey, Keith?" Lance asked while pulling a shirt down and over his head. He was finally washed up and awake after taking an eternity to get out of bed.

" Yeah?" Keith asked, scrolling through his phone while sitting on Lance's bed with Kosmo.

" Did anything... happen... last night? I don't remember it." Lance put his forehead in his palm, wincing. He'd definitely need some ibuprofen.

" I sucked you off." Keith shrugged. " And you passed out like right after."

Lance blushed at how casually Keith could admit to such a thing. It was hot if he was being completely honest. Now was not the time for thoughts like that, though. He got in some jeans, then walked over to Keith.

" Are you coming or what?" He asked his boyfriend teasingly. Dinner was waiting for them.

Soon enough, he and Keith were walking into the kitchen. The sight before them was something they hadn't been expecting.

" So... let me sort this out. You're all together now?" Pidge asked Matt, dumbfounded. Shiro, Adam, she and Matt were all in the eat-in area.

" Yeah." Shiro answered for them, blushing while looking to the side. Pidge narrowed her eyes, staring them down inquisitively. She wanted to gauge Matt's feelings. Once she made eye contact with her brother, she could tell that he wasn't kidding.

" Oh, hi." Shiro said to Lance and Keith.

Lance furrowed a brow, and Keith couldn't have looked anymore puzzled.

" What did we just walk in on?" Lance asked.

" Dinner?" Adam responded, taking a bite of the taco on his plate. Everyone was enjoying the taco bar Hunk had made, but Pidge's food seemed to be untouched. She was just so confused.

" Not what he meant..." Keith said, looking at Shiro.

" So... if I heard right... you three are screwing?" Lance asked them bluntly, and all of the males grew a bright shade of red.

" Are you really that surprised?" Keith snorted, moving to the food and not batting an eye. He knew his brother well enough where it didn't come as a shock.

Matt was in Shiro's lap, being held from behind. Then there was Adam, who was sitting very close to Shiro.

" We are." Shiro confirmed. He hoped that everyone would be accepting of their decision.

" I mean... congratulations?" Lance smiled. " I'm happy you guys are happy."

Pidge wasn't about to judge. If this was what Matt wanted, then she was content with it. She sent a small smile toward her brother supportively.

Shiro felt relief wash over him as he glanced over at Adam and held Matt closer to himself. He'd never felt so freed from something in his entire life.

Lance and Keith, after fixing their plates, decided to eat at the breakfast bar. They pulled out stools, then sat together.

" So..." Pidge said. " What do you guys want to do? I'm bored... and I beat all my video games."

" Family outing?" Shiro suggested.

" Nah. I don't feel like going out again." Lance cringed.

Keith giggled to himself, and Lance nudged him. After having gotten so drunk the night before, going out somewhere sounded like something from Lance's nightmares.

" I mean... what about a game or something?" Keith suggested.

" Not a drinking game." Lance insisted. He felt like if he had another sip of alcohol, his head might explode.

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