The Cellar

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Shiro had never been inside of a shadow before. It was a dark, constant and inescapable nightmare. His eyes couldn't adjust to see much of anything, mainly because there was nothing to see. There was a bunch of what felt like wood that must've been nailed together.

It felt like he was at high altitude from how thin the air had become.

" HELP!" He called, kicking at the top of the box and inhaling some dirt that slipped in through the cracks. " SOMEONE HELP ME!" Shiro coughed.

What had Lotor done?! What the hell was he planning?!

Shiro could recall getting up for a drink of water, the smell of chloroform, and being partially awake while getting dragged out of the doors. He had slipped away into unconsciousness after hearing the squeaky trap doors at the back of the mansion open.

Shiro guessed he was in the root cellar, which could be accessed from the backyard as well as the inside. What if Lance and the others didn't figure that out in time? What if he'd never get to sort things out with Matt and Adam?!

Shiro felt tears pooling in his eyes.

He had so many regrets. He could've been a better boyfriend, one who asked more questions and tried to problem solve. He could've been a better brother, one who could help Keith blossom into the man everyone knew he could be.

If nobody was able to figure out where he was, every dream, everything he wanted from life would be cut short and derailed.

" Please no..." He whimpered, but then his eyes bulged.

He felt something crawling up his leg. Being that he was only wearing boxers and a t-shirt, it was obvious on his bare skin. Shiro shrieked when he realized that it was a spider.

Oh no.


" HELP ME!" He cried out again, flailing and freaking out. Though there was barely any wiggle room for his shoulders especially, he rattled the box.

He needed to stop yelling, otherwise he wouldn't have much oxygen to breathe with.


Everyone thumped down the very long set of stairs to the basement, but they still weren't deep enough. Lance squeezed Keith's hand tightly as they went down another flight of stairs from there.

" We need to go faster!" Keith exclaimed, skipping steps on his way down and letting go of Lance. Probably not the best idea considering his limp, but Keith couldn't have cared less.

Lance was worried that Keith was about to make a misstep and tumble. They had bigger fish to fry right then, however. Recklessly getting down the stairs was the least of their problems.

" This place gives me the creeps." Hunk said once they reached the bottom of the stairs. There was yet another door, and it opened up to a mainly dirt room.

" Poor Shiro." Keith choked up while rushing inside.

Lance flicked on the lights, or rather... light. There was only one, and it was dim.

They all pulled out their phones.

" Shiro!" Keith called desperately. " ANSWER ME!"

" Look for any fresh dug dirt." Hunk told everyone.

" WAIT!" Pidge yelled, making everyone freeze. She saw that the dirt was rather muddy, and that was much to their advantage. " Look for shoe prints."

Lance shined his flashlight on his phone around, staying put and scanning the ground. Keith limped around in a small circle while doing the same.

" There!" Lance ejected and began running toward the very back.

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