Day 1

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A/N: Yours truly is back!! Just thought of this kind of fic (first time trying it) and had fun doing it. I also did a Snowbarry 12 Days Fic (anyone who also ships them?? please, anyone?? :3). I hope you all enjoy this Christmas themed fics! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! :)

Under The Damn Mistletoe

Snowflakes were falling down the street, a chuckle escaping your lips as you continue walking. It was that time of the year again, holiday wreaths hanged on the doors, string of rainbow lights wrapped around the walls and fence, and snow blanketing every surface it touches.

You continued walking, passing through various stalls decorated with a fair amount of tinsel and reindeer figurines. "Here, miss! A delicious red velvet cheesecake for you and your boyfriend to share!" A little boy approached you with a big smile, holding on his hand a mouth-watering looking cake.

How I wish that I had someone to share with. You laughed and handed a bill, "Here you go, I really hope this does taste well." The boy beamed with a brighter smile, "Thank you, miss! Of course, it's delicious! Me and my dad made it!" He runs back to his father, who smiles and waves at you.

As you turn around another block, a few more distance farther from your destination. Your phone started vibrating inside your dark blue jeans,


Y/N!! Where are you!?! Oh my god!! You're already 30 minutes late!!

What's new, Helena?

Ugh! Just get your butt here! Now!!

Fine, mom. I'm almost there.

Helena hangs up while you smiled to yourself, Oh! I've missed her! Being gone for 5 years because of your study and career, you've left everything behind in London. New York treated you well, now a promising lawyer currently having a break in her hometown.

You were standing in front a black oak wood door, the entrance of a fairly large home owned by a great doctor, who is also your best friend. Two knocks later, it swings open, revealing a beautiful woman with auburn red long hair with her green eyes wide open.

A wide smile appears on your face, "Sorry I'm late, Ele." You were pulled to a tight bear hug, almost suffocating you. "I missed you, Y/N!!!" Returning the hug warmly, a lone tear falling down your face; all those years of not being to see each other came crashing down to the two girls.

You sip your tea, "Yeah. I'm still working for another law firm. But, hopefully, I'll have my own someday." Helena rolls her eyes, "Of course, you will! You're an amazing woman." You laugh, "Yeah yeah. Tell that to my future husband."

She laughs loudly, causing you to roll your eyes, "Sure, Helena. Laugh to your delight at my non-existent dating life." After a few seconds, Helena wipes her tears making you sigh, "Sorry, Y/N. I... Why don't I set you up?? Blind date?"

Blind date my ass! No way! You shook your head, "No, thank you." Helena looks at you with a frown, "What? You're planning to be a nun??" You scoffed, "Wow. You really missed me, huh?"

She laughs, "Yeah I did. But, jokes aside, you really need to start dating people. I don't care even if you date a girl, just try to fall in love." Helena looks at you intently, causing you to smile,

"I'm straight, if you're wondering. But... I don't know, I'm not ready for it. I want to keep working, support my family and enjoy life. Being single... I'm not ready to lose that benefit yet." Helena nods her head, "Of course. But, don't push it away too much, Y/N. Fall in love..."

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