Day 6

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Love in Sweaters

"Thank you." You said to the waiter who smiled politely after placing your order. You started eating your red velvet cake slice, smiling at the taste and the way the flavor rolls inside your mouth.

Looking through the window, you watch the snow falling from the sky as it reaches the ground. Decorating each corner of the floor while people pass by, busy with their own lives.

Christmas, my favorite time of the year. From giving presents, break from school, snowman and snow angels, hot cocoa and coffees, being with your family and/or special someone... and of course, sweaters!

Yes, I love sweaters so much. Maybe I'll even choose it over dresses and blouses, probably even wear just my sweater and have a stroll outside. Only if I was a cuckoo brain, thankfully I wasn't.

I love the warmth and comfortability that a sweater can give. I don't mind the design, as long as I find it cute and adorable; I'll buy it and wear it. My life has been a series of sweaters.

A sweater for happiness, having a smiley sun design, the moments I was my happiest state. No worries and cares of the bullshits of the world, just enjoying life and its wonders. Being free and able to do the things I love, basking in the sunlight and rainbows of my life.

A sweater for sadness, having an umbrella with raindrops on top design, the moments when I was my worst version. My thoughts eating me mentally and physically, thinking if I was even worth it to be alive. Being in constant pain because of the things life unexpectedly or expectedly hurls at my way. Basking in the storm clouds and darkness in my life.

A sweater for love, having a heart and holding hands design, the moments I was thankful for the love from the people around me. The love from my family, my number one supporter in everything I do in life.

The love from my friends, the one's who make me smile and make life more colorful and unique. The love from myself, appreciating life and not giving up despite the challenges. Its love that makes me stronger and braver in life.

And the love for that special someone, who'll spend my happiest and gloomiest moments while holding my hand and whispering, "You're not alone." The love that would be unconditional and eternal, I was still looking for it. I hope I find him soon.

Today, I was wearing my favorite holiday sweater. It had a design of a half-eaten gingerbread man, a weird but somehow meaningful pattern for you. You hoped that whoever that special someone in your life, owns the other sweater to match your own.

You chuckle lightly and continued eating while checking your phone from time to time. Minutes passed when the bell ringed, signaling a new customer. You were now busily typing poems on your phone while listening to music from your headphones.

For every snow that fall, I make a wish.

I wish for a life that isn't perfect,

But a life that is imperfect

Being perfect isn't always the right way

Sometimes, you need to have your flaws to live a good day

For every wish I make, I wish for snow

I wish for a world where no one is cold

That everyone finds their fire and ignites it

Leading a life that is free, true, and bold

Everyone has their own candle, just waiting to be lit

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