Chapter 3- THE ESCAPE

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It was around what he guessed to be 6 AM when he woke up. There was no knowing where he was. He immediately found that he had been severely cut on his back. "I must of been attacked, I don't know what did it though." He tried to get up, but soon found he was tied to the ground. He heard a deep growl from above. He looked up, only to see a tough, scarred wolf that looked like a woodpecker finding the ideal tree. "Hello, captive," the wolf taunted. "My name's Razor. Welcome to the territory of the Shadow Pack, hostage.

From what he could tell from the conversation near him was that a new pack, called the Shadow Pack, had illegally expanded into the small river valley owned by his pack, and as he, Autumn, had trespassed on their property, he was being held hostage. So that's where the deer went! he thought. Then suddenly, he heard the voice of a wolf he knew to be named Grinder. "I got some more captives." He knew immediately that more scouts fell to the same fate as him. "Blizzard? Leaf? Ivy?" "Autumn!" Blizzard cried. "It's so good to see you again!" He then lowered his voice. "Your disappearance has caused chaos in the pack. No one knows what to do anymore." Razor immediately noticed that they were having conversation, and recommended that they be separated, should they conspire to escape. "Goodbye," everyone lamented, before going their separate ways once again.

It was at that midnight that Autumn decided time was nigh to escape. If I fail now, he thought with obvious determination, my whole pack will suffer. Having regained his strength, and his wounds having faded into mere scars, he ripped off the branches he was bound with. He used his scouting skills to sneak across with such delicacy that no species of animal could hear his movement. He hid in the shadows, avoiding with incredible skill any of his enemies in these circumstances. He then ran across the space in front of the hunters' barracks when a snap of a twig woke up one wolf, who then howled to call to order a chase against the hostage. But this time he had resolved to be strategic about it. He got the head start, dashing athletically into the deepest parts of the woods. They chased him very fiercely, yet soon they had lost track of the prisoner. After he was sure with all his instinct he was safe, he collapsed into sleep.

That morning, he resumed making his way back towards the pack. He at many times had to stop to eat what little he could get, as well as drink from small puddles in the ground. After much journeying, he was very ill with the stomach flu, yet kept going, knowing the fate of the entire pack was in his hands. He was amazingly determined, something you could never expect from a starving, thirsty, ill and wounded wolf who was also lost to even further complicate things. He decided that he must climb the foothills of the Rocky Mountains to find his pack. It waa a risky undertaking, however. At one point, he was so tired and weak that he lost his grip on the rock and fell what would normally kill a wolf. "Well, I guess this is the end," he gulped, "I tried." But then, as if it were divine intervention, he collided with a ledge pushing him in the path to fall into a large pond. He barely survived.

It must of been a miracle that this pond was in Auroran territory. As he climbed out slowly, his will to live having been stretched to the limit, he could swear he heard howling. "Either I have extremely good luck, or extremely bad luck. This could be either pack's territory," he inferred. Then, as he weakly limped towards the howling, he saw a pup playing with a small butterfly cutely. "Thank goodness," he sighed in relief, "If I was in the Shadow pack, this pup would probably be forced to work in the mines." As he approached the creek, he saw River, the leader of the hunters. She did not seem to notice at first, until she recognized Autumn through his scars. "AUTUMN?!" She cried. He finally had someone to tell what he had seen. His work was done at last. "Gasp... I escaped. They held me in captivity... I barely got out with my life..." "Who kidnapped you?" "Another pack." River seemed to acknowledge this, and the torture they dealt to him, and engaged in deep thought before responding, "It's war then."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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