Episode 5

18 1 0


"General." An Officer in the command center tells Bat.

"Yes?" Bat asks.

"Long range transmissions have returned to Dandoran and the only thing we've managed to pick up is an SOS." The Officer tells Bat.

"Interesting." Bat says.

"Also, we picked up imperial chatter referring to a squad of clones attacking an imperial outpost." The Officer says.

Bat looks at him curiously.

"Tell me more." Bat says.

"I'll just show you. They also transmitted recorded video of it." The Officer tells him.

Bat walks over to the trooper's computer terminal and looks over his shoulder.

"Here." The Officer says and plays the hologram.

Bat watches as three clones run into view taking the four original Stormtroopers by surprise and knocking them down. The clone at the front turns around and points at someone and motions them forward. Bat watches as two more clones run into view.

"Is there any audio?" Bat asks.

"No sir." The Officer says.

Bat nods then continues to watch as the clones open fire on the imperials in the room, the hologram switching angles now to the command center where officers were falling left and right.

"What are they doing?" Bat asks.

"No telling sir. It's a seemingly random attack on imperial targets from what I've heard." The officer tells him.

"What's the planet of origin?" Bat asks.

"Burnin Konn. It's in the Anoat sector." The Officer says.

"Ah. Rebel activity there is nothing new." Bat says.

"Yes sir." The Officer says as they watch the apparent clone in charge walk through the carnage of the imperial command center and start talking to an imperial officer cowering on the ground.

Bat watches and stares as the clone points a DC-17 pistol at the officer's head then moves his aim down to his leg and shoots him. He can see the officer start screaming before the leader orders everyone out of the command center. One talks to the leader for a moment which Bat can of course not hear before he watches them all exit the hologram.

"Weird..."Bat says.

"Yes sir." The Officer says.

"Well, I'll prepare a team and we'll head there to investigate." Bat says.

"Are you sure sir?" The Officer asks.

"Positive." Bat says.

The officer nods as Bat walks out of the command center. He was now walking across the air base and he heads into the Jedi training building where he walks over to Wesley and Fernanda.

"Bat!" Fernanda yells and hugs him.

"Hey." Bat says smiling.

"What's up sir?" Wesley asks.

"I need you two." Bat asks pointing at them.

"For what?" Wesley asks.

"We're going to Burnin Konn. I'll tell you more later." Bat says.

"Uh sure." Wesley says.

"I should really stay here Bat. Master Baz needs an experienced Jedi to help him." Fernanda tells Bat.

Bat Squadron: Season 5Where stories live. Discover now