Episode 3

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"We've got four enemy fighters coming in." An officer tells Ian from on the venator.

"Deal with them." Ian orders.

"Yes sir." The Commander on the venator responds.

Vulture droids and a handful of manned fighters zoom out of the venator's hangar as the four Gryphon Squadron fighters emerge from hyperspace over the planet.

"You were warned." Ian tells the pilots, contacting them.

"No please! We have nowhere else to go!" One of the pilots begs as they start to come under fire from the Bat Squadron fighters.

"We surrender! Please! Mercy!" Another pilot yells before the Y-wing is torn apart by Vulture droids.

"I'm sorry. We aren't accepting surrenders at this time." Ian tells them.

"No! Please!" The pilot screams before her X-wing is shot down.

The last two don't last much longer either. None of them even put up a fight.

"Threat eliminated." An Utai pilot tells Ian.

"Good." Ian says.

The door to the command center opens and Bat limps in. Ian stares at him.

"Ah, welcome back General." Ian tells Bat.

"Ian, that was uncalled for." Bat tells him coldly.

"I gave them warning beforehand." Ian tells him.

"But they surrendered. They weren't a threat!" Bat snaps at him.

The officers in the command center were looking back and forth from Bat to Ian.

"While you aren't in command, what I say, goes." Ian says.

"Not anymore. And I'm taking over." Bat says limping toward Ian.

"How? You're still too injured." Ian tells him.

"That doesn't matter. I can still lead." Bat tells him.

"Don't do this, Bat." Ian says.

"I'm sorry." Bat says.

Ian nods.

"And before you go, I hereby demote you from the rank of Colonel, to Major." Bat tells Ian.

"What?! No! You can't! That's not fair!" Ian yells.

"Do you want to keep it up, Commander?" Bat asks.

"I...no....no sir..." Ian says.

"You are dismissed, Commander." Bat says.

"Yes General...I'm sorry sir." Ian tells him.

"Apology accepted." Bat says before turning his back to Ian and looking out over the base.

Ian nods and walks into the elevator to head back down. Bat sighs and looks down at his broken arm and leg. He wasn't in any shape to lead but something had to be done about Ian and his leadership.

"General." An Officer says.

"Yes?" Bat asks and turns toward him.

"A shuttle is coming in." The Officer says.

"Ted and Xan?" Bat asks.

"They have the correct clearance codes." The Officer says.

"Let them land. I want them to report to me when they do." Bat says.

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