2| Talk With Your Fists

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        "We're going to the gym. We have to spar."

        "Allen it's almost midnight."

Allen rose from his place beside on the floor beside Sam's door and tossed his gym bag to him. He brushed past him in a subtle attempt to appease his wolf's ridiculous unrelenting desire to be touched by his mate.

        "And put on some shorts."

Every hair on Allen's body stood up at the sheer electricity of contact with his mate's naked body and the twinge it caused below his naval was utter betrayal. The two have been starving themselves of contact from the very moment their bond had been revealed at the ceremony. The entire encouter nearly made him shiver as his whole body stirred but he refused to indulge.

Allen made his way towards the gym coming up short at the bottom of the stairs when his wolf began to claw at him for attempting to put distance between himself and Sam once again. Growling, he sat down on the stairs and waited for Sam. After about twenty minutes he'd had enough. Neither one of them had been particularly happy with the situation but the limbo that they placed themselves in was going to destroy them both. Frustrated, Allen stormed up the steps in a fit of misplaced rage preparing to direct it towards his mate.

        "Sam! What the hell—"

Just as Allen burst through the door he crashed into Sam's chest. The two remained silent as they held deadly eye contact.

        "I needed a break."

Sam's words stung of rejection. Allen knew they both needed a break. No one gave them an instruction manual titled What to Do When You're Mated to Your Lifelong Best friend When Neither One of You Are Gay, One Has a Girlfriend and The Other Doesn't Know how To Navigate Relationships. Still, voicing it hurt. Allen quickly turned away for fear his whimpering wolf would break through the surface and show himself.

Allen was stopped in his tracks as his forearm was captured in a devilishly blissful hold and Sam began to speak.

        "I meant from running, Allen. I haven't stopped since I left the track."

Sam had spoken quickly and softly, attempting to gently tug Allen back towards him for a short moment until he released his hold and cleared his throat. Allen couldn't help the instant relief he felt as air filled his lungs once again.

        "We have to spar."

Allen quickly descended the steps eager to release the pent up mix of emotions he's been silently holding in and to hopefully find some sort of satiation.

Once the pair stepped into the sparring circle Allen went after Sam repeatedly. With each punch, shove and kick he welcomed the bittersweet mix of pleasure and pain the violent contact caused him. He operated much differently than Sam. He wasn't keen on fighting everything in his way, he had spent his years trying to pick his battles and accept the things he couldn't change. Yet this one had him stumped. It was all so chaotic and he couldn't figure out how to handle it. Either way he was going to lose the only relationship he had ever been able to properly nurture and that was a hard pill to swallow.

Sam wasn't actually fighting back and after winning the first three rounds Allen was set off. He unleashed a frenzy of attacks that knocked Sam out of the sparring circle which would normally indicate the end of the round yet he continued to attack. Even as he drew blood and his wolf cried out in pain for being so cruel, he attacked, not stopping until he had Sam caged between the wall and his own body.

        "Fight back!"

Allen virtually growled the words in his mate's face and it made Sam's nostrils flare yet he didn't budge.

        "Say Something!"

Dousing the words in the power summoned from his alpha blood, Allen commanded a response. He needed an acknowledgment of what was happening that didn't consist of a rampage and ignoring his existence. After a few moments Sam finally spoke. Calmly, and with a sense of genuine confusion he spoke.

        "You followed me into the woods."

Allen was caught off guard and his expression was unreadable as he took a step back from his mate.

        "I dropped my bag once I was in the woods and you brought it back to me... Why'd you follow me?"

Allen started to turn away and leave. What kind of question was that? He couldn't admit that the distance between the two of them has been agonizing and even more so to witness how visibly angry Sam has been since the ceremony. Allen was frustrated but Sam was destroyed and that created a loneliness and pain in him that was unparalleled to any he's ever felt before. How quickly Sam abandoned him after being such a reliable companion during all of their years as friends, made him feel invisible. He didn't know why he followed him halfway into the woods but he knew that something had to give.

        "You're my beta. I have to know where you are, Sam."

And with that, he did leave. Allen retired into his room and immersed himself in pack history. Before all of this with the mating ceremony he had felt as if he and Sam were prepared to take over the pack and uphold the packs' standards. They were so sure of everything. But now, aside from the fact that their mating circumstances were a joke, everything else seemed wrong too. It seemed as if they were missing something and not being able to talk to Sam about any of it was only making matters worse. Allen furrowed his brows and half heartedly read heaps of random information, having no clue what he was doing. Not in his pack, in his...relationship, or in his life. Everything was slowly coming undone.


Whelp, foundations are set so let's get spicy. Now... about that long lost warrier.

Vote and Comment?  Sadly, I need validation *insert straight face*. I know it's tragic.

Bye, internet people.

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