4| Heat...and His Name Is Trey

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His name is Trey and Allen watched as  he tore through the pack like they were child's play. Despite his broken finger and shredded abdomen—compliments of Sam and Allen—Trey fought with such a graceful precision it was almost sinful. Both of their eyes trailed over the man's body, taking in his caramel skin adored with tribal tattoos as he took on Ava. She was putting up a hell of a fight but there was something about Trey that made him appear untouchable in combat. His strikingly long platinum locs whipped around his body as if they were doused in the wisdom of the elders, beautifully contrasting his skin, when he spun her to the ground.

"That's enough."

Sam spoke up when Trey beat Ava in their third straight round. Allen's eyes lingered on his mate as he moved to take Ava's place in the middle of the field, a feeling of discomfort stirred within him at the tone of his voice. Since the mating ceremony Sam and Ava have acted almost as if they were strangers in the pack house and it was an eery change in their dynamic.

Snapped out of his thoughts by the sounds of hands striking flesh, Allen noted that the battle between Sam and Trey was not nearly as one sided as it had been with the other pack members. In fact, it had become heated very quickly. They began snarling and grunting at each other with  every blow they struck until finally, they launched themselves into the air and came crashing to the ground.


A sudden surge of complete and utter fear roared through every cell in Allen's body and reverberated outwards from within his wolf. Sam and Allen had a vice grip on each other's throats. The difference being that Trey straddled Sam with one knee pinning his free hand into the ground and he quickly brought his own free hand around his dear Sam's chin. He had himself poised to snap Sam's neck and if it weren't for Allen's order, he just might have. That knowledge is what  triggered a fear in Allen, one so intense that it made the feeling of watching Prideridge go up in flames all those years ago dwarf in comparison.

Trey hesitated at the sound of Allen's voice and settled for leaving one nasty set of claw marks across Sam's jaw as he released him. He got up and seemed to quickly come to his senses. A look of remorse glazed across his eyes for a fleeting second and they drifted between Sam and Allen when he rose. Without a hint of fatigue, Trey stood with his head high as he peered into Allen's eyes and raised his arms in challenge.

"Well," He returned his hands to his sides and a playful smirk danced across his face and his eyes twinkled, "shall we?"

Allen was winning. He landed more punches than necessary and blocked more than few of Trey's advances. He caught a glimpse of Sam out the corner of his eye looking on with pride, the sentiment warmed him but the blood dripping from Sam's face made Allem want nothing more than to quit this ridiculous game they were playing and be with him. Trey took that moment to pluck Allen up from his feet and slam him to the ground. They landed with Allen on his back and Trey laying between his legs.

Electric. That's the only way it could be described. Allen felt Trey's erection before he could register the mischief in his eyes and his body responded immediately. Trey had the chance to pin him and win the fight right then and there, not only was he distracted because of the way Sam was looking at him but Trey was adding insult to injury. But he didn't. Trey just hovered there for longer than what was reasonable, with a knowingly smug look plastered all over his glistening face.

Allen used his upper body strength to heave the man off of him and reverse the pin, out of sheer frustration he reeled his arm back and punched him in the face.

"You're one cocky bastard."

"So I've been told, love."

Allen growled and his eyes glowed as he trapped Trey's arms hands above his head, pinned him with his body and rendered the man immobile. He tried to compute all the possible scenarios that could logically account for how the hell this stranger was able to pry into his mind and communicate with him through his link.

A link amongst wolves is only shared amongst  pack members and mates. It's a bond that allows communication amongst the wolves closest to you. There is nothing more sacred than the bond between a wolf and his mate, but the bond amongst pack members comes at a close second. And one of the physical manifestations of how close these connections are is through the link, allowing wolves who share one to communicate telepathically and even more, to feel those connected to them. A link between mates is only consecrated when they have fully mated and adorned the other with their mark. However, a link amongst pack members simply was. It was innate, it was natural.

So here he was, a warrior like no other, a bold and cocky bastard wrapped in an absolute halo of sex appeal and power, a stranger...and a member of their pack. All of which makes no sense in the slightest.

When Allen regained his wits he remained in place and spoke, "I'm going to ask you one more time. Who the hell are you?

Trey sucked his bottom lip into his mouth with his teeth and slightly pressed his groin into Allen's, "Come on Al, it's me. Your mate."

And all too quickly his senses were on overload. It started with his smell. Trey smelled like bark. And the lake breeze. Such a subtle and simple scent yet it attacked his nostrils and wrapped around his body in the most sensual way nature could muster. And then he started to feel absolutely everything. First felt the spike in Sam's awareness of what was going on. He felt the air become thick with Sam's pine cone scent and his arousal, both of theirs. Once again his world was turned upside and inside out and before he could even begin to process what the hell this was supposed to mean for the future of this pack, Sam stormed over.

He reached down and heaved both Allen and Trey up from the ground and gripped them behind their heads bringing them close and he growled. Very vaguely Allen was able to decipher some sense of order and practicality from the back of his mind, despite how absolutely hot his skin felt at the close proximity of his two mates.

"Everyone leave. Right now."

He didn't have to speak loudly. The undivided attention of all of the pack members present was aimed directly on him from the moment he pinned Trey to the ground all the way until this very second. Watching as the three boys stood completely entranced in one another, in the middle of the field, all but panting and wagging their darn tails.


Well, well, well. His name is Trey. He's a ballsy, one isn't he? So he's a member of the pack... you buying that? Sam and Allen finally getting over all that angst? Goodness.

Wassup, internet people. Thanks for engaging witht the story so far. It really means a lot. Don't forget to vote, comment and add to your libraries to stay updated.

Happy New Year! (hella late. but we gon just pretend it's not.)

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