8| Sweet Dreams, Allen.

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It's been three days since my dad let Travis out with surprisingly little resistance. Travis and Sam have been tense around each other since our little debacle in the cell and we haven't been affectionate at all since then. It's driving me up a wall. They both try and sneak in some physical contact with me whenever they can though, like right now.

Travis surprised us when he insisted he was coming to watch Sam and I at practice and I jumped at the opportunity to finally be doing something all together. We're currently walking silently along the dirt road that leads back to the pack house. Travis is pressed against me so close our shoulders are brushing with each step we take and Sam is making sure our hands brush against each other so I grab it and his head shoots towards me.

"Let's sleep together." When I say it, Sam's entire body tenses up and Travis nearly chokes on thin air and starts to smirk like a fool.

"Not like that," I say trying to sooth Sam by rubbing circles on the back of his hand with my thumb, "I mean actually sleep. It's been too tense and my wolf is going crazy. I need my mates. Can we just lay down and take a nap?"

Sam muttered a relieved, "We can do that." Travis reached over to squeeze my thigh saying, "Anything you want babyboy."

Sam cut his eyes over at Travis and I raise an eyebrow, "Since when do you call me babyboy?"

"Well, someone has to accept my terms of endearment if another someone won't."

Sam just sucks his teeth and growls something to himself. Before I could say anything about their petty nonsense a scared looking wolf stumbles and lands whimpering at our feet. The wolf is big but looks as lost as a pup and his eyes look up at us helplessly. Here we go again.

Sam tries to push the two of us behind him and starts to growl at the wolf until Travis reaches up and places a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Easy, he's a new one. This has happened to me before."

I have no clue what the hell he's talking about when he crouches down, eye level with the wolf and reaches out to pet him.

"Hey, it's okay. I know you're scared but there's more people like you. See, look at my eyes." The wolf stops trembling and locks eyes with Travis before kneeling down and resting on his paws.

I have never seen anything like this in my life. I look on in awe as Travis continues to speak to the pup.

"I'm going to shift and bring you somewhere safe and then I'll help you change back and  answer all of your questions okay? Can you be calm while I do that?"

The wolf lets out a small sound and lays his head down on the ground, eyes still trained on Travis while he strips down and shifts.

I have never seen his wolf since he left when we were so young but it's beautiful. He's as huge as an alpha and his coat is the sleekest silvery grey I have ever seen. It matches his long locs. I'm tempted to reach out and touch him when Sam speaks up.

"He's beautiful." I look over at him and I'm not even sure he realizes he's said it out loud but it forces a smile onto my face.

It feels strange feeling bubbly and warm around my mates. Smiling even. I think it may be changing us all just a little bit. Sam especially, he's less brash and sarcastic lately and seems to be in his head a lot. Completely different from the bold and unfiltered asshole I've grown to love over the years but I think he just needs time. I can't imagine he'll stay this tame and timid version of himself forever. And Travis just seems like a bucket full of surprises.

He grabs the pup with his jaws and trots back toward the pack house while Sam and I grab our three piles of clothes with our canines and follow in his footsteps.

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