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"Good morning!" someone said when I came downstairs. "Good morning" I said back.
I took a seat at the table and take some coffee and cereal with milk. "How did you sleep?" I looked up while my foster mom was standing next to me. "Could be better" I said and took a sip of my coffee. Suddenly my foster dad came downstairs. "Guys, I'm going to work. I'll see you all tonight at dinner. Have a great school day!" He said while giving a kiss to his wife and then he walked outside. I took the last sip of my coffee and grabbed my bags.
"Are you going already?" my foster mom asked. "Yea it's 8 am, isn't that a little early?" I looked at Lily, she was sitting at the table drinking her tea. "Oh I'm going to walk so that's why I'm going earlier" I lied and walked outside before they could say something.

The sun is shining and I walked to the park with my bag full of books and my diary.
I never thought my life would be like this.

"I'm sorry, but can I ask you something" I looked up from my diary. "Of course" I said and saw at a little boy who was standing in front of me.
"Can you maybe give me the football?" I looked behind me and I saw a football lying behind the bench I was sitting on. I grabbed it and gave it to the little boy. Suddenly an older, pretty handsome boy came over
"Are you going with me Justin, it's time to go. I'm sorry if he was bothering you." I looked at him, his beautiful blue eyes were staring at me. "Oh he didn't, it's okay!" I said and turned back to my diary while the boys walked away.

Another day, another 24 hours to survive.
It's currently 8:30 am, and I have to go to school in a half hour. I don't want to go, because it's the first school day and I'm very nervous.
The last days has been killing me and I'm really tired. How am I going to survive this time?

It was 8:50 am, I arrived at school and my nerves were going crazy. I hate to be 'the new kid'. Everybody is watching me while I walked into the school. I felt my cheeks turning red, I felt that everybody was staring at me and talking about me. What a bad way to start this terrible day.

"Gabs!" I heard someone yelling my name trough the halls. I turned around and saw Lily walking towards to me.
"What's wrong?" I asked a little annoyed. "Nothing, I wanted to ask which class you have." "Oh math is the first one of today" I said without any emotion staring at the ground. "Are you nervous?" She asked. "Hmm, I don't know." I said quick and walked away.

I went to my classroom and of course I was the first because it was 10 minutes left before the lesson was about to start. But this was the only way I could write in my diary without being interrupted. I walked inside the classroom and took a seat.

I'm currently sitting in an empty classroom, finally some alone time. I have so many questions and none of them are going to be answered..
Why did my life became a nightmare?
Why did I have to go trough all these stuff?
Why can't I just be a normal girl with her family, Why do I need to be 'different'?

"Good morning, you are early!" I looked up and I saw a teacher walking inside. "Good morning, uh- I'm sorry I thought-" "No it's all right, if the classroom is open you can always go inside!" He said and he walked over to me. "My name is Mr. Andersson. And you are Gabriela right?"
He reached out his hand and I grabbed and shook it. "Yes, Gabriela" I felt my cheeks turning red again, why do I always have to be shy?

In a few seconds more and more people filled the classroom and everybody took a seat. I looked around and I saw everybody talking to their friends. And then there was me,
sitting on my own,
in the left corner.
Will people notice me?

"Good morning everybody, before we are going to start I want to introduce someone to you. That's Gabriela, she is a new student. This is her very first day, so please help her if she needs anything." He pointed and everybody was staring at me. "Can you introduce yourself Gabriela?" the teacher asked while everybody was watching me. I started to blush because I was so nervous. This is the worst thing of being 'the new kid'. "Uh- okay.. I'm Gabriela and i'm 17. I'm from North Carolina and I moved to Portland last week."
And now I'm hoping nobody will ask anything about the reason why I moved.

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