Part 7: New Day

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Sunday morning had come. I woke up to a knock on the front door. I must had crashed on the couch the night before. In my crop top, leggings, and robe, I slumped off the sofa to the door, revealing Ben.
"Good morning. Sorry if I woke you." He said, possibly staring at the dark bags underneath my eyes.
"No, no. You're fine. I should probably get dressed. I didn't expect any company this early in the day." I replied, yawning.
"Oh...That party last night was insane. Your friend got so drunk to the point where she vomited."
"Really? Poor Rose..."
"Yeah. I even felt some remorse for her. That stupid Finn guy helped her, though."
"Hold on, how do you know so much about this? You were with me most of the night."
"Well, I stayed over at her house, since I didn't want to go home and she was too drunk to notice."
"Oh....What am I doing? Come in, but stay quiet. Fortunately, my Uncle is a heavy sleeper." I said, letting Ben enter the dirty house. "Just make yourself comfortable."
Ben did just that by taking his shoes off right away and jumping onto the couch while I strolled towards the kitchen.
"Wow, you didn't seem to take that lightly." I spoke, laughing.
"Don't you find it strange now that we used to be enemies?" Kylo asked.
"Actually, yes. Opposites do attract..."
"When did you get so fancy?"
"Rose tells me stuff like that often. It's very interesting. You should hang out with us at lunch tomorrow."
"After then barging in on us last night and me throwing Hux out the window? Hell no!"
"Come on, Ben! Don't be that way. I'm sure they'll understand."
"Oh, they'll understand, all right! Those losers will pay for interrupting us."
"Now, Ben....You need to remember that Finn and Rose are my friends."
"Before I bandage up your hand, would you like something to eat?"
"No thanks. I ate before coming over here."
"Ben, why did you come here so early, anyway?" I asked, sitting on the wooden coffee table and beginning to wrap Ben's hand with a bandage.
"My mom was being an asshole again, as usual."
"If you don't mind me saying this, I suggest that you show more respect to your mother. Your father may be gone, but you're all she has left. Leia needs you, Ben."
"Really? I-I never thought about that way before."
"Just a suggestion, babe." Ben said, grasping my hand.
"Did you just call me...babe?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't I? You're my boyfriend."
At this comment, Ben left Rey's presence and walked towards the door to leave.
"Ben? Ben! Where are you going? Did I upset you?" I asked, grasping his hand.
"Yes-I mean NO! I've just never felt love that strong from anyone, but you wouldn't understand." Ben said, facing me but trying to hold back his tragic tears.
"As a matter of fact, I do. I used to be a foster child, Ben...Unkar, the owner of where I stayed, made me collect garbage and deposit it. When my parents left me, whoever they were, I knew deep inside that I would see them again. I would've stayed there forever if I had to...One day, I met an elderly woman named Maz. She came towards me, frowning. The woman told me that my parents would never come back....My nightmare had become reality."
"Wow, Rey. That's horrible, babe. Just remember, we have each other." Ben spoke, wiping tiny tears off of my face.
Ben being beside me warmed my heart and gave me hope when I needed it most. For the first time in my life, I didn't feel.....alone.

                             THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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