Chapter 6: Not Exactly The Bingo Type

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A/N: Hello everyone! Your longly anticipated update is upon you. Please read this before proceeding because I have some things you must know.

First, I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude to snickersneebee for following me and giving support to my new book Daised. If you like Judith's character in this book, you will love Tyra in Daised. The difference is, instead of two hot guys, there's six! Please give that one a go because I am very inspired with that one right now and will be updating it regularly. I will do my best not to neglect this one for people who are reading it.

Second, I would like to ask you guys to go enter OreoQueen4evar's writing contest. It needs more entries so if you want your books to prosper, give that a go too. It's also the external link if this one doesn't work:

Sorry for the super long authors note, but this is my most popular book and I really wanted to get the message out there. Please tell your friends about all these things and enjoy the next chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment! It makes me happy! Lots of Love.

Harvey's POV:

That woman was probably the scariest person I had ever met.

Please don't tell Judith.

She looked about age 60 with white hair and a sparkling light blue dress. As soon as Elyse mentioned it was my fault, I could feel her eyes stabbing me in the throat. Not exaggerating even a little bit.

"Harvey Porter is it?" She asked me, getting up from the couch and walking towards me.

"Now wait a minute! This has really never happened before. I saw a girl pop out of a freaking lamp!" I cried, backing up into the door.

"He has a point. I know if I was a mortal, I would be frightened." Elyse mumbled, looking down at her feet. Judith glared at her.

"See!" I said pointing at her, "Thank you!"

"That still doesn't make up for the trouble your stupidity has caused Harvey Porter." The Queen said coldly to me, plopping back down on the couch. The way she did that, I could almost see her as an ordinary grandma baking cookies and playing bingo. I quickly shooed the thought out of my head. These weren't ordinary people.

"Judith?" The Queen called to her. Judith scooped Elyse off her shoulder at sat down next to the Queen with Elyse in her hand.

"The renovations for your lamp are going faster than anticipated. They should be done by Friday."


Um no, there was no way I could bring Judith to school for four more days. She had almost blown up the Chemistry lab, she broke 3 globes in Geography and accidentally lodged 5 pairs of scissors into the wall at Math. And don't even get me started on Lunch. I don't even think it was only her temper, but her pure curiosity towards school.

"Do I get a say in this or..."

"No!" All three of the ladies shouted in unison. It was a little creepy, not gonna lie.

"Anyway Judith, when the time is right, you will have to bring this dolt with you, since it can only be unlocked by a master."

I could hear Judith groan and mumble something, but I chose to ignore it. I wondered if there was anything Judith could do all day so she wouldn't have to come to school with me.

"Well, I have things to attend to in the Faerie Kingdom. Remember you need him," The Queen said, pointing to me, "So try to keep most of his bones in tact."

With a snap of her fingers she was gone, leaving Judith on the couch with Elyse, Now was my chance to insure I had a peaceful day at school tomorrow.

"Judith listen. I was wondering if you could stay home tomorrow and clean up a little bit. I have a guest coming over tomorrow night."

"Nope," Judith exclaimed in a sing-song voice, getting up and heading toward the kitchen. I was taken back by her immediate answer, but I quickly told her again.

"Why? I really need you to."

She grabbed a jar of pickles out of the fridge and attempted to open it. It was kind of cute seeing her attempt to open it, since she wasn't strong enough.

"Do you need some help with that?" I said, reaching for the jar. she slapped my hand away and flicked her wrist. The jar opened instantly.

"Why don't you want me at school Harv?" She asked me, and then took a bite out of the pickle. Elyse flew inside the jar and picked up a littler one, hoisting it into mid-air and munching on it.

"It's not that I don't want you there. I just think the days would go a bit faster if you didn't have to deal with school work. You'll be back in your lamp in no time." I tried to reason with her, sealing the pickle jar back up and putting it in the fridge.

"That could be true Judith. And you would get to hang out with me all day!" Elyse said, flying to the couch and jumping on it. Again. As usual.

Judith walked out of the kitchen and crossed her arms. She looked up at me and frowned.

"They expect me there. I can't just not go to school."

I thought for a second, "I can call you in sick."

"Are you going to pretend to be my dad or something?"

The next morning I got ready for school and used my cellphone to call the school since a certain little pest had broken my phone a couple nights ago.

I heard it ring at a woman picked up.

"Hello. This is Bellview Highschool."

I lowered my voice as much as possible and started talking. Hopefully this would work.

"Yes, Hello. This is John Tyler. I would like to call my daughter Judith in sick."

"What is she sick with?" The lady asked skeptically.

I wasn't counting on her asking about that. Judith was listening in on the conversation and I mouthed to her 'What should I say?'

She scowled at me and mouthed back, 'Anything' as she pushed the phone closer to my face.

"She has a bad stomach flu. It's giving her diarrhea. It's getting pretty messy." I panicked and spit out those words. Judith's face turned furious and she waited for me to hang up before elbowing me hard in the ribs.

I grunted and put on my backpack.

"Are you sure you two will be okay?" I asked them.

They both nodded.

I felt an unsettling feeling in my stomach leaving those two to watch over the house.

The Life of a Genie - By Judith TylerWhere stories live. Discover now