Chapter 8: It's Legal Under Certain Circumstances!

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Judith's POV (A/N: It would be Harvey's, but I think it's better this way)

Harvey never said that his guest would be a girl.

Nope. This is not okay.

Wait, why should I care?

I don't care.

Not one bit.

When the blond girl came through the door, Elyse went to the kitchen to hide. I was glad she had gotten away before she could see her. I, on the other hand, was not as lucky.

"Harv, who's this?" The girl asked, flipping her hair.

"This is my friend from school. Her parents are away so she's staying with me." Harvey said quickly, surprising me that he had already thought this through.

The girl looked me up and down with a frown on her face. I returned it with a glare.

"Who is she?" I asked Harvey, pointing at the girl.

"This is my cousin, Molly." He said, throwing his backpack down on the floor. "She's staying the night until her apartment is done being fumigated." He shrugged and slumped down on the couch to watch TV.

"Where will I sleep?" She asked, sitting down lightly on the couch as if it had some sort of disease.

"You can stay in my room. I'll take the recliner and Judith, you can sleep on the couch."

Okay, now someone was definitely going to have hell to pay.

"I am not sleeping on the couch Harvey!" I yelled at him, stepping in front of the TV and crinkling my nose.

"Don't worry Harv. I can sleep in the floor if you want. I'm just so grateful that you're letting me stay here." She said, putting a hand on his arm and batting her eyelashes. I gulped down the vomit forming in my throat.

"No Molly, it's fine. Judith can sleep on the couch." He said, scowling at me.

"Great!" Molly exclaimed, "I'll go unpack my stuff!" She said, grabbing a bag she had brought in with her and skipping toward the direction of Harvey's room.

As soon as I was sure she was gone I tackled Harvey off the couch and onto the ground. I pinned his arms down with as much force as possible. I knew he was stronger than me but I had to at least try.

"Judith!" He complained, trying to wiggle free.

"Why didn't you tell me SHE was coming over?" I whisper-shouted at him, pinning his arms down more.

"I didn't think it would matter!" He snapped back, finally breaking free of my grasp. "Does it?"

"No!" I retorted, "I just think you should warn me before you bring another girl in here and make ME sleep on the couch you idiot."

I crossed my arms and plopped down on the couch, leaving Harvey bewildered and on the ground.

Stupid Harvey. Stupid Molly. Stupid everything! HE BREAKS MY LAMP AND MAKES ME SLEEP ON THE COUCH? No, of course it matters you oblivious nut!

When Molly came skipping back in, I wanted to magically glue her mouth shut, but Harvey had already made it clear that he didn't want to let Molly know who I really was.

"So Molly," I asked, trying to sound as sweet as possible, "How old are you?"

"Seventeen!" She exclaimed, "How old are you?"

"Sixteen." I said in the same squealing idiotic tone she responded in.

She seemed to be confused by what I said but then continued on.

"Hey Harv? I think I left my other bag on the bus. Can you call the school to let them know?"

Harvey nodded and went to go call the bus company.

When he left, I could see hatred fill Molly's eyes. It was as if a switch was just flipped on inside of her. Bipolar much?

"I know what your trying to do Judith, but it isn't going to work." She grinned evilly and sat down on the chair.

"What exactly am I trying to do?" I asked her, getting a glass of water from the kitchen and taking a sip.

I walked back out and had another sip.

"Seduce him." She said, a-matter-o-factly.

I did a spit take onto the floor and my jaw hit the ground.

"Why would I want to do that?" I wiped off my face and rushed to the kitchen to get a towel.

"It's so obvious, she carried on, looking around Harvey's house. "But, he's mine. So back off."

This girl was his cousin right?

"How. It's not like that's even legal!"

"It's legal under certain circumstances!" She barked at me, standing up and stalking towards me.

"Yeah, but it's creepy under all of them." I said, stepping backward every time she got closer.

"You wouldn't understand. Harvey's been there for me. Ever since we were toddlers. NO ONE is going to take him away from me. Especially not some mouse-like frumpy midget."

And that's when it all hit the fan.

"Say that again." I screamed, lunging at her. She got out of the way just in time and snickered at me. Until I grabbed a large chunk of her hair and pulled.

She shrieked and grabbed my hair too. We were both locked in place by the fear of our hair getting ripped out. I could already imagine what lie Molly was going to tell Harvey. How Harvey was going to defend her. It made me feel terrible that she couldn't see who she really was.

I let go of her hair and pried mine out of her grasp.

"How about we not stress out Harvey more than he already is. He's living with two teenage girls and whether you like it or not, I'm here too." I told her, straightening out my tangled hair.

"Fine, but you better not flirt with Harv anymore."

She smiled and walked off in the direction of Harvey's room.

If this day got any worse, you could bet on a blond corpse showing up at her newly fumigated house.

A/N: Okay, now before all of you try to make a corpse out of me, let me explain why this chapter was so short.

Recently on this book I hit my fiftieth vote. OMG.

After I finished hyperventilating, I thought some sort of reward was in order for everyone who was voting and commenting and being the best people ever.

So I give you, The Hunger Games - Writing Contest. The dedication goes to the person who inspired me to make this and has her own. @THGfan10. If you would like to enter, you can click the link I will comment down below and there will be a sheet to fill out. Once that's finished, I will accept you if I have slots left. It's going to be a butt load of fun so don't miss out on it.

That is why this is so short, and also the fact that it was a filler chapter. To the right are the girls, Judith and Molly who are competing in a dress battle. Which was better? XD

Anyway, Lots of Love!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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