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\ michael \

"Michael," Amelia breathed, "that was simply incredible."

I looks down into her crisp blue eyes, " You're adorable, but I think I'm going to have bruises for the next week and a half," I replied sarcastically.

Amelia's cheeks turned bright red which caused me to laugh to myself. I unlocked the door and led her in, "My mum is working until five, so we have the place to ourselves."

You gave me a worried look. "To do homework," I countered.

Amelia stayed silent. I looked at her as she looked around. Something about her was very different then most girls. I just couldn't quite put my finger on it just yet.

"I guess we should-" I was interrupted by someone knocking at the door. The person didn't give me a chance to even see who it was, my next door neighbor Finn barged through the door.

"He's dead," Finn wailed.

I looked back to Amelia whose mouth was appropriately wide open. "Larry the hamster is dead!"

Amelia came rushing up to me. "I don't know what to do," I told her. She nodded and stepped towered the hysterical boy. She place a delicate hand on his shoulder and led him to the couch. Once they sat down she started rubbing his back lovingly. A pit of something formed inside my stomach. Finn is one of my best friends, but I couldn't stand the sight of Amelia with him. Something about it made me feel uneasy. She took her sleeve with the rest of her hand and started to wipe away the tears.

"I'm Amelia," she near whispered.

Finn stared into her eyes, "Amelia, I think you're beautiful."

Amelia's cheeks turned scarlet red, while my hands were clenching into fists. "I'm nothing special," she sighed.

That was so untrue. Not once in my entire life have I met a girl like her. Sure, I knew some girls were quite, but I've never met one. A story unraveled in her eyes, it seemed tragic, but beautiful. Finn's eyes stayed locked with Amelia's. "Amelia, would you like to go on a date with me on Friday. I know we just met but you're really kind, and your really gorgeous," Finn blabbered.

"Dude, my party is on Friday, but it's alright if you both come," I dead panned.

"Is that alright with you," Finn asked Amelia. She politely nodded.

"Well I'll go now and let you two finish," he looked down into Amelia's eyes. "It was a pleasure to meet you darling." Amelia's eyes followed him out the door.

"He's perfect," she sighed. Immediately after realizing what she had said her whole face turned scarlet. "I um I'm sorry," she looked up into my eyes. My entire body froze. The second our eyes met something started to become alive in me. I haven't felt like this in awhile. In that moment I knew Amelia would be the one to change my life. It's strange how I could see this in a girl I had just met. A girl who I have seen before, but never figured I would talk to. A girl that I thought only existed in my dreams. I could tell she would never fall for anyone like me. Amelia is so reserved, and I'm definitely not.

For the next hour I sat back and watched Amelia work "Are you sure you need a tutor, you write beautifully, better than me actually." It was true, her writing is beautiful, much better than I ever could do.

" I don't hand in assignments, they are never good enough," she whispered.

"That's bullshit!" She looked up at me. Her eyes showed she was frightened.

And then almost on cue my mom walked in. "Oh hi there," she said to Amelia.

"Hi mom this is Amelia, I think we are um done."

Amelia nodded. "I can give you a ride home," my mom offered.

" Thank you, " Amelia replied. She gathered up her books and we walked to my mom's minivan.

She gave my mom various directions and then my mom's interrogation commenced.

" Do you have any brothers and sisters? "

" No, it's just me,"

"What does your dad do?"

"He's a lawyer in the city,"

"What does your mom do?"

Amelia stayed silent for a few moments, "she passed away a few years ago."

My mom gasped. The car became overcome with silence. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry. I had no clue."

A few minutes later we pulled into her driveway. "Thank you again," she sighed.

" No problem darling. If you ever need anything just ask Michael. "

She nodded. I watch her walk to the door. Her hips have an absentminded sway to then. I feel almost bad saying this, but she's damn sexy.

" I like her," my mom said, "Such a sweet girl, absolutely beautiful."

" She is perfect," I said accidentally. I felt a blush creeping on.

"Oh Michael, looks like you've got a crush."

That's when it hit me. I have begun to fall for a girl I've just met.


Well my friends. Here is chapter two!!! I am not quite feeling this chapter because it is quite difficult for me to write in Michael's POV.

Anyhow I hope you're enjoying. I would truly hope for twenty more reads (I'm being greedy, I know), ten comments, and ten votes. This truly means a lot to me.

Thank you so so much for reading, I love you all.

xoxo, birdy_18

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