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/ amelia /

The ride to Michael's house is even more awkward then I had expexted it to be. Finn desperately tried to make conversation, but I kept absentmindedly shooting him down with my one word answers. I want to throw myself off a bridge for pratically ignoring the one guy I've had a crush on for three years. Why can't I function like a proper teenage girl? This question will take way too long to answer.

We pull up to Michael's house which is decorated with a few teenagers loitering in the front yard. Finn steps out his side and opens my car door. He looks down at me, his eyes taking over my body, and he simply grins. He puts out a hand for me, and I grab it. I feel heat rising up on to my neck and cheeks. Music pulses through the entire houses, there are boys and girls grinding on one another, and the stench of cigarette smoke and alcohol can be smelled from over a mile away. There is no way Michael's mom is okay with all of this.

He lets go of my hand and begins to bro hug someone whom I recognize from the rugby team. "Axel, this is Amelia. Amelia this is Axel," Finn says. Axel has to be at least 6'5, his six pack is partially visible under his tee shirt, and his hair is styled to look messy. Judging by his appearance it's obvious he spends more time getting ready in the morning than I do.

Axel stares me down. His eyes trace over every aspect of my body, making me more self conscious with every second. Finally his brown eyes meet mine. He gives me a smirk without saying a word. He leans in to whisper something in Finn's ear. "Amelia, I got to meet someone. I promise I'll be back before you know it," Finn says apologetically. I nod my head and watch him disappear into the crowd of sweaty, dancing teenagers.

I find myself a nice an unoccupied corner and begin to survey my surroundings. Everyone seemed to be having the times of their lives dancing, drinking, smoking, kissing, and shouting like they would never dance, drink, smoke, kiss, our shout ever again. I noticed Luke grinding up against a girl whose name I've never learned, and I saw Calum clutching a bottle of beer and talking to some older looking guys. "Amelia, right?" I heard someone call.

I looked around to see who had called me and found Ashton walking toward me. I give him a shy nod. "Who did you come with?" He asks me.

"Michael's friend Finn," I reply. Ashton wrinkles his nose with disgust, but quickly smiles once more.

"It sure blows that Daisy can't be here. She's a fantastic girl," he says and I nod my head in approval. "Daisy would never miss a party, but she has a one o'clock a.m. flight to see her grandparents, and her mom practical has her on lock down for the night," I tell him.

He nods his head and takes a sip of whatever is in his red cup. "Have you seen Michael around," he asks me.

I shake my head no. Ashton looks lost in thought for a couple seconds but eventually turns back to me. "Well I'm off," he says, and with that he hands over to the kitchen.

A familiar song comes on and I begin to sway a little in my spot. I checked my phone to see what time it was. It hadn't felt like it, but Finn has left a half hour ago. Hurt washes through me. I didn't even want to come to this stupid party. I guess that's what happens when the most popular guy in school asks the most socially inept girl out on a date, and they wind up at a party.

A huge hand grabs my wrist and it sends a searing pain throughout my entire arm. In response, I let out a yelp of discomfort. Which is replied by a deep laugh that sounds almost like a growl. I look to see who the hand belongs to, and my eyes meet a pair of eyes that I hadn't seen in three years. Jake Vandorn. Jake tormented me for about a year and a half after my mom died. We used to be best friends until the day after her funeral. A thought crossed my mind, he doesn't even go to our school anymore so why the hell is he here.

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