Do You Remember Sunday At All? (ATL fanfic)

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first go at an atl fanfic :D

so tell me what you think, comment vote and fan?? ill love chu foreva!! <3

- Aj xx

"Hey, Alex?"

"What?" He asked me.

"Will it always be like this, just us? No matter what?"

"Of course Jez! I promise, nothing will destroy Jalex, EVER!!" he exclaimed while messing all my hair up. I glared at him while poking my tongue out and pushed his shoulder.

I sighed reminiscing; the song I was listening to had brought the memory back to me. It was seven years to the day that we had that conversation, seven years to the day that I fell in love with my best friend, seven years to the day that id been living in Australia and almost five years since the last time I’d ever heard from my best friend. I wiped away the tear that had fallen astray and threw the photo in the fire; I looked up at the stars.

“Why?” was the only thing I could say and think, why hadn’t I heard from him in almost five years? Why had he not kept his word? Why had he forgotten about me? Why was it that he moved on almost straight away and I'm still obsessing? Why was it that every song by this band reminded me of him? And why is it that I can’t help myself but listen to them? I sighed as every single memory of us had coming flooding back at once. I finally broke, as I felt the tears streaming down my face, I thought of the two songs that I could relate to most, therapy, \it described the way I’ve felt and acted every day for the past seven years. I was, am, a travesty, nothing more than a walking joke, yet I still smiled on like nothing was wrong. I wish I could change those last moments with him, and I did need a therapy, I knew what it was too, I need my Alex back. But he’s better off without me, my parents are gone I love myself now, he’s lived without me, he has for the past seven years and I need to let go. Yet I couldn’t bring myself to.

sometimes I wonder, has he ever been a friend to me? I mean a true friend wouldn’t do what he did, would they? Well I don’t care he choke on whatever misery comes his way, I bet his life is just perfect! Isn’t? He’s probably got some blonde hair, big breast bitch for a girlfriend that only wants him for looks anyway!! I tore off a friendship bracelet, we’d made one for each other when we were nine and vowed never to take them off, I hadn’t, once, until now. Without thinking I threw it into the bonfire, along with the last picture I had of him, I regrated it straight away.

“No!!” I yelled crying, I rushed to put the fire out, fearing it was too late. Looking through the soot and ashes I found two things left. The photo id thrown in, it almost completely burnt to nothing, but still salvageable. I saw tears falling on the photo and wiped them away. I took a deep breath and stopped my crying.

Our friendship bracelets were just like any other sort a kid would make, with one exception, ours both had a locket, with a picture of us from when we we’re in primary school, it was cute, we had our arms around each other, we’d just been in detention after school for having a massive flour fight. The class had been treated to making pizza for being so good lately. Hah! Not if me and Alex had anything to do with it, we were completely covered head to toe in flour, I think we wasted about three kilos of it, it showed though the picture, covered in flour with our arms around each other, grinning like the little troublemakers we were. I laughed smiling, and then sighed, just ten seconds ago I had so much contempt for him and now I'm laughing wishing he was here with me right this second. My emotions were just so hectic these days. 

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