chapter 5 - There's Alot You Don't Know About Me

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heeey guys, new chapterrrr :D best yet! its really serious though

WE'RE GETTING CLOSE TO THE GOOD STUFF!!! YAAAY JEZ AND ALEX, or maybe jez and jack or jez and andy or maybe someone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha read on to find out :P

read vote fan and commment :P luv chaz!!

- Ajatz_rawgh

cried myself to sleep that night. She was right everything she said was right, it was my fault, all my fault. No one else knew what happened. Heck, Jack didn’t even know I’d stopped talking to her for five years! I banged my head against the wall as I slid down into a sit.

“Dude, what’s up?” asked jack walking in and sitting beside me.

“nothing.” I replied, looking away.

“Don’t bullshit me Alex. What’s, up?”

“Jez..” I whispered.

“What about her man?”

“I.. she’s right..”

I started crying, I can’t believe it. I was crying about a girl, didn’t they usually cry about me?!


“I haven’t spoken to her.. in five years jack! Five years I forgot about my best friend. In that time she’s been through hell and back and I’ve been too caught up in fame to even say hi she hates me..”

“I don’t blame her..” was all he said.

He walked off without another word. Great now he hates me too. I thought.

“Zack!!” I shouted trying to keep my voice even.

“What?!” he shouted back. Lazy bitch. I thought letting a half-hearted laugh escape my lips.

“What country are we headed to next?!”

“No need to shout.” He said walking in.

“Ha, ha. Now will you answer my question?”

“Uhh I think Australia.”

Just then I got a magnificent idea, which might just work.

“you know how we had work experience?”

“like before you knew any of us? Yeah.”

“well mine was at the hospital. They basically just left me to my own devices...”

Well this is fun. I thought sarcastically. I was at the hospital doing my work experience; well I was meant to be. They said sit here, we’ll be back soon. Two hours later and they still haven’t come back. I gave up on waiting and went for a walk. If they didn’t want me there why didn’t they just say no? God people we’re incompetent.

I wondered down the hall, it was quite sad actually. So many people sick and dying. I wiped away a stray tear and kept walking. As I walking along I noticed how everyone had cards from loved ones, or friends and family with them. I thought about how I’d react if someone I loved was on their death bed. I sent a text to Alex.

Hey if anything happens to you tell me?

After about five minutes he replied.

Jez now really isn’t the time

It’d been like this a lot lately, he’d just dismiss me whenever I tried talking to him he’d be busy. If he wants to talk he can message me.

I continued down the hall looking in the rooms. I was about to go back to where I was meant to ‘wait’ when I saw someone in the next room. It was a man who looked like he was in his late twenties; he had no cards or family. Just a lone man in a bleak sterile room.

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