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"No, Emma , just because I'm 'awsome' at basketball doesn't mean that I should have to go to tryouts just because coach Brandon randomly decided to let girls to play on the boys

basketball team" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Ohhh, Commeeee onnnnn, your so good!! your a natural!! I swear it's like your some basketball princess!" Em said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

I just stood there staring at my friend in dis-belief. I mean, what the hell! A basket ball pricess!?! now I'm imagining myself wearing an orange huge ball like dress that has black lines , with a black and orange tiara and a basketball twirling on my finger. I shuddered, that's just weird!

"Hey ky! hi Emma" said an all to familiar voice.

Em turned around and smiled at the source of the voice

"Hey Dylan!"she said happily

I slowly turned around and looked over at our friend. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and green shorts. His dark brown hair was Really Curley and was kind of covering his forehead but short enough to let everyone see his beautiful grey-green-blue eyes. oh, and did I mention he was wearing gray vans. so awsome!

Compared to me I'm nothing. with my 'beautiful' aqua eyes as Emma says and straight brown-black hair. I was wearing a plain orange crop top with black shorts and black and orange converse. I'm so dull.

"Hey, ky, you okay" Dylan asked with worry and concern in his voice

That caused my heart to go flying, I swear I could of had a heart attack right then and there!

"Y-yea-a. I-mm okay" I stuttered. I mentally face palmed my self! really ky, get it together!

" Are you sure, you don't look to good. I can take you home if you need!" Dylan said

This time I looked into his eyes. big mistake! I almost gasped at how awesome they were! but besides the color there was so mush worry. I almost felt my heart break. he's so sweet!

"Yea, I'm sure. l-l-let's get to class before the bell rings!" and as if on timing the warning bell rang. guess I was saved by the bell!

Dylan turned to look at me and gave me a smile, even though there was still a lot of concern in his eyes " I have to get to class , but if you need anything or feel to sick stay in school anymore just get me and I'll take you home, got it ky?"

"Thx-x-x Dylan, that's really-y sweet th-th-thx" I said while giving him a small smile.

He looked satisfied with my answer and walked down the opposite side of the hallway to get to his classroom, with one last goodbye, I know realized that Emma had left me with Dylan to get to class ! UGUGUGHHH! that bastard!

She is so gonna get it!

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