I Need You

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Lucy's POV

The scarlet haired woman waited for me to answer. 'How do I tell her about my past...' without realizing it, I started crying in front of her and I felt a pair of warm, comforting arms wrap around me. I look up and it's Erza, "Hey, hey it's ok take your time you don't have to tell me now, ok?" she said to me.

And I just stared at her with wide eyes, still tears going down my face. I nuzzled my face into the nape of her neck. 'Wait what am I doing SHE'S A COMPLETE STRANGER' I nagged myself in my thoughts. I slowly pull away from the hug.

"S-sorry, I j-just got caught up in the m-moment and hugged you..." I said with my head down, but when I looked up Erzas face was the same colour as her hair and her mouth was wide open. "N-n-n-no i-it's f-fine!" She stuttered like a idiot. I laughed at this, "Baka!" and I heard her gasp. "Well young lady I'm not gonna tolerate being called a baka." She huffed and turned her back towards me.

I giggled, "Sorry sorry it was just I your face was so red." Remembering her face just a few moments earlier was enough to send me into a fit of laughter, while I was laughing I ended up coughing very badly and could barely breathe.

"Hey hey! Calm down breathe!." I heard Erza panicking. Next thing I know she's laying me down on the bed and giving me mouth to mouth CPR. After I've recovered from the coughing fit I guess she finally realized what she just did and turned a shade of red even redder than her hair. "I u-ummm." She looked down nervously.

"It's perfectly fine, thank you for saving me baka prince." I said giggling. "Hey I told you I'm not a baka!" She whined which made me laugh even more.

+~+Time Skip: 2 Days+~+

Erzas POV

It's been about two days since I gave the girl, Lucy, CPR. Which as matter of fact still makes me embarrassed outta my shit thinking about it. The doctor said she would be discharged today so she could go home.

I walk into her room to see her getting changed, "Woah! I'm so sorry I'll be out her waiting, I'm so sorry!!" I blush like a mad man, I just saw her naked. About 3 minutes later I feel someone tug my shirt from inside her room. "You can come in now." I walked into her room, this time with her NOT changing.

"So the doctor said you are being discharged today and can go back home." I told her calmly, the next thing I knew she was on the floor having a complete break down. "Woah woah what's wrong!?" I ask her nervously, I crouched down and hugged her.

"I-I can't g-go h-home, m-my dad w-will kill m-me." She finally got out after 5 minutes of trying to talk after crying, I was shocked her father would kill her if she went back? I need to keep her away from him if what's she saying is the truth. But on the other hand, Jellal just died and I need time alone to grieve... No this girl is alive and I'll make sure it stays that way.

"Would you like to stay at my place since you can't go back...?" I ask her nervously rubbing the back of my neck. "R-really...?" She said in a barely audible whisper. "Of course, really!" I said happily, and in the spur of the moment I accidentally picked her up bridal style and got her back of stuff all in one swift motion. I realized what was happening and a medium blush creeped onto my face, "U-uh oh I should put y-you down..."

"N-no it's fine, I can't walk very easily on my own so would you mind carrying me since you already are?" She let out a small giggle, 'Fuck, so cute...'

+~+Time Skip: 1 Hour+~+

Lucy's POV

When we made it to Erzas house I was set down on her couch and her bag was put into a room a little further away. "Anything you want my'lady?" She does a small butler like bow and I laugh so hard, "S-sure some tea w-would be fine." I tried to keep my blush and huge laugh controlled. 'Damn she is so charming and cool...' "Hey here's your tea, I'm gonna go take a real quick shower!" I nod my head yes.

It's been about 20 minutes since she got in there, and all of a sudden she comes out of the bathroom with black jeans with very small rips in them on, a baggy hoody and she had a cap on backwards. 'Damn she's hot, I wonder what she'd look like in a suit....' WAIT what am I thinking!? "Hey showers free, I'll let you borrow so pjs since you don't have any." She startles me out of my thoughts "O-oh yeah thanks..." I say shyly.

After I'm done I see a pair of baggy grey sweatpants and a shirt about her size saying P!Atd. 'Damn she has a big body, I'm swimming in this shirt!' Then I smell something off, I take a sniff of the shirt sighh, I buried my face into the nice warm pyjama shirt. She walks into me doing this, "Oh hey... I was wondering what you wanted to eat?"

(A/N: Oh my gosh guys I am so sorry for not updating this in soooo long, I'll be updating more often, hope you guys like this slight fluff chapter!

May the Wattpad forces be with you! -Author-chan

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