"I do not know what to do with my life anymore. I feel like I want to die. I want to end my suffering."
What happens if your normal life changed? What happens if you encountered a different person? While that person has a similar language but there...
It has been 10 hours since I woke up. I waited such a long time, I must say that time is really slow. I really do wonder where Ji Ya is, well I guess schools in South Korea and North Korea are different. I mean, everything here is different compared to North Korea. I'm so bored! I groaned. I decided to go to the bedroom and grab my diary from my bag. I then wrote...
"Dear Diary, I have stayed here for not that long in South Korea but I already enjoy and love it! You get more freedom! More entertainment and many new things that are not in the North. I wish everyone in North Korea that hates living there could experience it being here. I really feel bad. I also miss my parents."
While I was writing, Ji Ya slammed the door open and I was extremely shocked that I threw my diary at her face. I realised that it was Ji Ya and I apologised. While the diary was sliding down her face, she made a look.
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She chuckled and she spoke with a voice that sounded like a door creaking. "I bet you missed me." She laughed so sarcastically with such a deep voice. "Aish, you scared the hell out of me!" I complained while I grabbed my diary back to my bag. "That sounds like you're calling me ugly." She replied. "No, it's not like that. It's because you slammed the door so loud."
"So, basically you're calling me fat?" She said. "What does that have to do with you being fat?" I giggled. "Wait, I'll take a bath then change into my pajamas!" She told me. She went to the bathroom bringing her towel and clothes. I waited for a long time. "Why does she take so long? Does she take a huge dump then burst out a gallon of urine before taking a bath?" I rolled my eyes. Then, she slammed the door. "Can you stop slamming the door?" I laughed. "Well, no." She replied. We both laughed. "You're lucky today is Friday so basically there's no class tomorrow! I will tour you around South Korea, okay?" She beamed with happiness. I nodded my head. "I'll ask my mom for money!" She said. She immediately did what she said. She came back after 10 minutes. "I got a lot of money and she told me to buy you a phone and stuff." She excitedly said. "Phone?" I raised my left eyebrow. "You'll learn a lot tomorrow!" She exclaimed. "And also, my mom will let you go to school too!"
"Well, that's great!" I smiled. "Let's sleep already. We need to wake up early so that we could have more time to stroll around." She said. "Good night!" We both said to each other while going to our beds. Such a great day...