03. Meeting The Player

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After school, I went to my locker and put my books. I was hoping I wouldn't see Victor but he, of course, found me. I spotted him on my way out of school.

He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and guided me toward a bench by the front doors. He handed me a piece of paper and a pen.

I'm not a player. It may seem like it but I'm really not. I want to show it to you. Please, Athena - Victor

My heart was against it and with it at the same time. I took the paper and twirled it around. I finally pressed the pen against the paper.

I will you give you one chance. Fuck it up and I'm cutting you off with no second chances. Get it? - Me

Victor took the paper, smiling. After a couple seconds, he handed it back.

I understand, princesa. I won't hurt you. Ever. I'm free Saturday night after I work the fields. I'll see you then? - Victor

Okay. My dad will be out of town that night for work. Don't think about doing anything, alright? - Me

Victor laughed and nodded. I got up and grabbed my bag. I waved goodbye and left. The school was practically empty by now.

I walked down the empty streets, heading home. McFarland seemed to be a lonely and dusty town. There weren't many people out. I only saw little kids running around and playing.

I smiled as I passed a few elementary school kids playing in a yard. They laughed and giggled as they dashed around. They were so adorable.

I entered my house and kicked off my shoes. I went into my room and set my backpack down. I grabbed my homework and started working.

When I finished, I went out to the kitchen and found Dad. He was cooking dinner and it smelled amazing.

I tapped his shoulder. "What are you making?"

"Spaghetti and garlic bread," Dad replied. "I know it's your favorite."

I smiled. "Thanks, Dad."

"How was your day at school?" Dad asked.

"It went well," I replied. "I made friends."

"What are their names?" Dad asked, stirring the pot of noodles.

"Josephina and Thomas," I replied. "They're really nice. Josephina knows sign language."

"That's great," Dad said. "It must be nice to know someone who can speak to you."

"It is," I said. "She has to translate for Thomas but that's alright. He's starting to learn how to sign and actually used it some today."

"Your friends seem great," Dad said. "You should bring them home someday."

"I will," I said. "They're coming over this Sunday if that's alright. I know you'll be gone but I didn't think you'd mind."

"No, I don't," Dad replied. "Your friends are welcome anytime."

"Thanks, Dad," I signed. "When's dinner?"

"Soon. Don't worry."

I smiled and hopped off the counter. I went into my room. I was doodling when I felt something hit my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder and saw my father standing there.

"Dinner," he signed.

I nodded and got up. We went into the living room and sat on the couches to watch tv. We didn't really have a table to use and we didn't really need one. Our new house was too small.

I started eating as Dad turned on the tv. It was some comedian. There were subtitles for me, which was nice. Dad didn't have to translate for me.

Dad tapped my leg, smiling. "Have you met any boys?"

I rolled my eyes. "There's Thomas, my friend who's coming over this weekend. There's a kid named Victor, who I barely know. I'm not attracted to any of them."

"Any of them nice?"

I nodded, eating a bite of food. "Yes, they are. They won't hurt me, Dad."

"Good," Dad said. "I won't be back until late Sunday night."

"I know," I said. "I know what to do. I'll tell my friends how to get my attention too. I know the drill."

"Good," Dad said. "I taught you well."

"You had to." I took another bite. "I'm deaf. I wouldn't know what to do if you hadn't taught me how."

Dad smiled. "It's a good thing I work with deaf people."

I smiled. We finished dinner and I helped clean the dishes. After that, I took a shower before going into my room. I read some before going to sleep. Today was a long day.

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