05. Chilling With The Friends

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Josephina and Thomas had arrived just after lunch. I was sitting on the porch, waiting for them. Josephina said beside me and Thomas pulled up a chair to sit in.

"How are you, Athena?" Josephina asked.

"I'm doing alright," I replied. "How's Thomas?"

"I'm doing alright," Thomas replied, a giant grin on his face.

I grinned too. "Your ASL is doing great, Thomas. Did Josephina teach you more?"

Thomas looked at Josephina and then nodded. "I try."

"You're doing so well, Thomas," I said. "I'm so proud of you."

Thomas smiled when Josephina translated. "Thank you, Athena."

I smiled and shook my head. We talked outside for hours. We eventually got hungry and went inside.

I cooked them dinner and we sat in my room, joking around and laughing. Thomas was learning a lot of sign language. I was proud of him. He didn't know me very well but he was learning so well.

It was almost nine o'clock before Josephina and Thomas left. I waved them goodbye and sat on my porch, loving the smell of the night. I always love the night. It smelled so nice and calmed me. In Oregon, it smelled like sun roasted blackberries and dusk. In McFarland, it smelled like dust and sadness.

I sat there for an hour or so before going inside. I changed into pajamas and laid down. I fell asleep rather quickly, not ready for the next day.

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